We Have officially quit UNESCO – IOTW Report

We Have officially quit UNESCO

American Thinker: The United States and Israel officially quit the U.N.’s educational, scientific, and cultural agency at midnight, January 1, as both states cite the organization’s anti-Israeli bias.

The Associated Press reports, “The Paris-based organization has been denounced by its critics as a crucible for anti-Israel bias: blasted for criticizing Israel’s occupation of east Jerusalem, naming ancient Jewish sites as Palestinian heritage sites and granting full membership to Palestine [sic] in 2011.”

What’s not to hate?

The withdrawals will not greatly impact UNESCO financially, since it has been dealing with a funding slash ever since 2011, when both Israel and the U.S. stopped paying dues after Palestine [sic] was voted in as a member state.  Since then officials estimate that the U.S. – which accounted for around 22 percent of the total budget – has accrued $600 million in unpaid dues, which was one of the reasons for President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw.  Israel owes an estimated $10 million.

UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay took up her post just after Trump announced the pullout.  Azoulay, who has Jewish and Moroccan heritage, has presided over the launch of a Holocaust education website and the U.N.’s first educational guidelines on fighting anti-Semitism – initiatives that might be seen as responding to U.S. and Israeli concerns.

They put up a website on the Holocaust, and this is supposed to make up for all the Holocaust-denying members?  Sheesh.  MORE

6 Comments on We Have officially quit UNESCO

  1. About time. Name ONE problem the UN has solved during it’s existence.

    Yeah, me neither…

    I can remember, for example, collecting money for UNICEF in the 50’s while I was trick or treating. Seemed like a good idea at the time…I was getting a boatload of candy, why not collect a few bucks for the world’s starving children. So 60 years later, has the UN eradicated world hunger? Of course not. If any food WAS shipped, it was controlled by some tin pot shithead dictator that used it to make himself more rich, and more dictatorial.

    “Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it’s stated intent.” — Jim Quinn

  2. ‘This is a start. Get US out of the UN and UN out of the US’
    Nailed it Tim, is the only to end it.
    The building itself taken back would make a much better profit making casino for the US than it’s been for the ‘World’.


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