Amish and Mennonite Farmers Producing Halal Meat – IOTW Report

Amish and Mennonite Farmers Producing Halal Meat

Our tipster, Dee, told me a couple of anecdotes to show how strict and rigid Mennonites are about their religion and how they won’t co-mingle with another, even for a funeral.

But they will strike a deal with Muslims to produce halal food.

Here’s one farm-

Our story begins in 2002. After spending over 15 years providing services to hospitals and the nutritional supplement industry, I realized that the key to good health begins in the stomach, as per the ancestral prophetic saying:  “The stomach is the house of diseases, and prevention is the best medicine”. Upon understanding the importance of eating wholesome food to prevent illness and health issues, I became committed to providing ethically sourced, truly halal (hand-slaughtered with care), and tayyib (‘pure’) meat to my family and community.


14 Comments on Amish and Mennonite Farmers Producing Halal Meat

  1. “Organic”
    Yuppie term for poor farmer.

    The Amish farmers I know would sell them meat with pigs blood mixed in and call it Halal.
    Afterwards they’d tell them about it and watch their English friends deal with the outrage.

  2. The Amish gave us Pennsylvania in 2016. I hope they make bank selling meat to the Muslims.

    The real question is, why can’t the Muslims figure out how to raise and slaughter their own friggin meat? It’s probably because they are all too busy using our tax money for welfare. So, in effect, we are paying the Amish to make Halal meat.

  3. ^^^ “…why can’t the Muslims figure out how to raise and slaughter their own friggin meat?”

    I don’t know if they are industrious enough to actually raise meat, but they’ll sure slaughter it for you. Somali’s love that work. And they love them the hormones and adrenaline that are in the halal slaughtered meat. Could be part of another problem there.

  4. All those jokes about the Amish and Mennonite cults involved in Islamic terrorist operations, ironically may be reality. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Supporting Islamic rituals – in for a penny, in for a pound.

  5. Our son used to work at a Mexican restaurant and brought home some stickers from a box of frozen hamburger that was in the dumpster (meat already cooked and consumed). One said American Food Group and the other said Halal (that one the certifying board in Washington DC–half English, half Arabic). No one on the restaurant staff even knew what sort of writing Arabic is! So our townspeople ate halal meat from a restaurant supply truck and didn’t even know it, food approved by Satan!

  6. Brother was adopted into a Mennonite family (the day after his gov’t check/state checks ended for foster care) – He died last year but owned 7 large dairy farms by then (one for each of his kids). The Amish and Mennonites gave us Gov. Wolf because our Repub Governor was threatening to reduce farm subsidies and milk supports. He told me he would lose about $ 35,000 a farm in one area alone.

    They are in it for big money – and they don’t care (as long as it aint another Mennonite) who they step on to do it.


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