Mark Dice – All the Cutting Edge Dems Are Live Streaming From Their Kitchens – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – All the Cutting Edge Dems Are Live Streaming From Their Kitchens

22 Comments on Mark Dice – All the Cutting Edge Dems Are Live Streaming From Their Kitchens

  1. Warren, O’Rourke, Ocasio-Cortez.
    Phony Indian, Phony American, Phony Human.

    Demonrats have no problem showing us exactly what they are and that to which they aspire: Socialism, Tyranny, Oppression, Onerous Taxation, Grinding Misery, Invasion of Diseased Rat-People, and Death.

    They disguise nothing! Their words are hollow echoes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro … but millions sit, thumbs up their asses, entranced at the disjointed babbling of a Pelosi, the stilted lying of a Schumer, the nauseating faked quavering vocalizations of an Obola.

    It, truly, wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Hay dude! Where are all the differently documented brown people? That are usually in the kitchen?”

    “Oh man. Sombedoy’s gotta hold the camera.”

    “Dat’s right…”

    (apologies to old stoners, everywhere)

  3. #ElizabethWarrenBeerBrands

    Minnie Brew Haha
    Low In Brow
    Busch League
    Pabst Smear
    Pilsner Urkel
    Schlitzing Bull
    One Little Two Little Indians Pale Ale
    Tonto’s Equis
    Red War Stripe
    Choc Tawp.

  4. Sorry, but it all pales to the fact that they won back the House and it seems with the likes of Romney the Senate majority depends on from which direction the wind happens to be blowing. Once again the republicants will blame the demorats but the just the opposite is true.

  5. I thought her people were supposed to avoid fire water. I mean, Neanderthals domesticated yeast; but the ones who migrated to the New World never did get the hang of the Agricultural Revolution, or manage to invent the wheel.

  6. I cant stand leftists and their faux “appeal”, but whats with this guy Mark Dice? He is more annoying than these videos. Is constantly being on the verge of yelling with bulging neck veins a thing now in blogs? And whats with the bouncing virtually every time he rants? Did he have to pee really bad too?

    Video blogging is as dangerous to politicians as Tweeting, one wrong move or word and you are toast. If these politicians were really breaking ground they’d be holding video town halls instead of cooking shows.


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