The President on cost of the wall – “We spend more in a month in Afghanistan” – IOTW Report

The President on cost of the wall – “We spend more in a month in Afghanistan”

10 Comments on The President on cost of the wall – “We spend more in a month in Afghanistan”

  1. “… it’s one month in Afghanistan …”

    OK. Why? WHY? Why are we spending even a single cent in Afghanistan?
    Sorry, Mr. President, but pissing away money in foreign intrigues is no justification. Take the money out of the welfare (legal, medical, &c.) that the illegal-alien invaders get and build the fucking wall!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This government is so bloated now we could go forever with these people furloughed and never miss them. If it’s a big problem in the national parks then send some of the useless IRS employees out to clean the shitters.

  3. I have long wished for some sort of simplified financial statement of the United States so citizens can clearly see where the money is going, to which places. Is it at or where? Is Afghanistan buried in a general military category or where can we see this stuff? I thought Obolo was all about ‘transparency’

  4. Again Trump makes it clear: one month’s worth of Afghanistan folly.

    Let Mittens or the other Uniparty shlubs note HOW MANY MONTHS we’ve been blowing that kind of dough: 17×12= 204 !!!!!

    Shock and Awe is that it’s been spent since 2001 !

  5. We need to take a clue from both the Brits and the Russians and get the hell out of Ashcanistan as soon as possible. Let them fight their own damned war, nothing we can do will change the situation there. Bring our troops home please before more of them get killed needlessly in a seemingly never ending war of attrition, it’s time and it’s the right thing to do.

  6. Some (most) of the contractors that provide goods and services to our military branches that have foreign deployed service members will be speaking strongly to their pet congress critters very soon.

    Draw downs, re-deployments back to the US, these are threats to their bottom line.

    Expect resistance, and it will become public from those self same congress critters who need that money to stay in office.

    Sad truth is, if we’re not killing people in foreign countries a large segment of our economy suffers.


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