Hey Stupid Democrats! A Wall Can’t Be Both Ineffective and Immoral!! – IOTW Report

Hey Stupid Democrats! A Wall Can’t Be Both Ineffective and Immoral!!

Coulter nails the left on their contradictory DICKtory.

If a wall is “immoral” you’re admitting it works.

ht/ annie


8 Comments on Hey Stupid Democrats! A Wall Can’t Be Both Ineffective and Immoral!!

  1. Whenever that Jorge Ramos dude would be on Tucker’s show he would get red in the face arguing against the wall, saying it won’t work.
    I always wondered why, if the wall is ineffectual, would he be so emotional about it?
    If the wall is ineffectual, why do the Democrats give a flip about an inconsequential budget line item?
    Something isn’t kosher. (Can I use that English word or am I misappropriating someone?)

  2. Sorry, lefties, but “Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules” is all worn out with us. Save it for the nevertrumpers. They love jumping through your hoops. But then, they’re not really your enemies, either.

  3. For the price of about one-third of a new aircraft carrier, we can build a wall. Maybe it won’t work as well as we want, or maybe it won’t work at all, but it’s worth a try. It’s also less expensive than those useless pork projects our useless representatives force into various appropriations bills.

    I would sell it to the Democrats like this: someday, enough idiots may vote your socialist asses into power and you can then use the wall to keep people in. Instead of South Korea with border security designed to keep the North Koreans out, the Democrats can turn this country into North Korea with border security designed to keep citizens in. Hey, it’s embarrassing when those who actually work and pay to support socialist programs start leaving in droves, and Dems may actually need and want that wall at some point.

  4. Does Coulter think Trump can wave a magic wand and -voila- we have a wall? Am I mistaken, or are parts of the wall being worked on?

    It seems Coulter is, and was, a never Trumper who pretended to support Trump because she likes pissing people off. Now she has an excuse to come out against him.

  5. Let’s defang the immoral and ineffective labels—
    I think we should relent on the wall, bump The National Endowment for the Arts budget up $5B and commission a modern art masterpiece that spans the length of the Mexican border.

  6. Ornery1…we can hire that guy who used to hang bright colored drapery all over everything and called it art. The drapery could be electrified, atomic and contain copious amounts of itching powder.


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