Obscure Words That Should Be Used More – IOTW Report

Obscure Words That Should Be Used More

A Twitchy Editor,  asked her Twitter followers to provide some interesting words that she could incorporate into her posts, or post titles.

It’s an interesting thread.

What are some obscure words that you’d like to see get more airtime, as opposed to the ones that are overused?

I suggested Mollycoddle.

This, in today’s parlance, means Soy Boy.

81 Comments on Obscure Words That Should Be Used More

  1. Corprophagia. Eating one’s own poop.

    Used in a sentence… the American people, having been brainwashed by a media aligned with one political party, decided to indulge in massive corprophagia by giving control of Congress back to the democrat party.

    Also, fussbudget has fallen out of favor.

  2. Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration, aggravation,
    humiliation, obligation to our nation,
    Eve of destruction, tax deduction,,,
    City inspectors, bill collectors,
    Evolution, revolution
    that’s what the world is today
    yeah, yeah

  3. Twee: twice this week I encountered it in articles. It was used to describe Portland, Oregon, and a progressivist store in Brooklyn. One source says, “Twee means something cloyingly precious, dainty, sweet, quaint, tiny or pretty. It carries the connotation of something affected or self-consciously too precious.”

  4. ‘cloyingly precious, dainty, sweet, quaint, tiny or pretty’.
    That line blew my mind ChiGuy.
    Maybe, no offense, you should move to other search engines.
    May not the twee stick with you,,
    Sounds kinda, I don’t know,,
    Sincere Regards

  5. I am a long time student of word. Verbiage, if you will of different times. Many times I am accused of being ‘haughty’ in my choice of particular expressions of thought rendered into written missives.

    To which my reply is, “Fuck you, you willfully ignorant son of a bitch.”

    Words are, and will ever be, poor substitutions for what transpires in our minds as we order our thoughts and attempt to convey them to others.

    I’m reminded of an utterance made by my brother, when he contacted me on the occasion of the sudden death of my wife of twenty one years. He said, “Sometimes, there are no words.”

    Him being a writer, me being an open wound, I still found profound wisdom in what he said. I remember that day with a clarity that surpasses damn near anything I’ve experienced.

  6. From No Blushes: “Lowell, Yawn,”

    Fellate my anus. Suck my balls. Masticate my taint. And fuck off into the gloaming of the nascent dawn.

    If you need explanations of the terms I’ve used, please apply for clarification at the complaint window.

    They’ll laugh at you too.

  7. Gladys,
    Check with BFH,
    He presented a false post.
    Believe what you will.
    My comment stop at
    “Lowell, Yawn,”
    just as your last post to uniformed to me seems a little uncalled for.

  8. @No Blushes, yes I did. His reply to you was in response to your “yawn” over his previous post when he mentioned the death of his wife. That’s the post that was uncalled for, and his response was not unexpected.

    And if you really think this a “mature” blog, this might not be the place for you. Just keep in mind that if you dish it out, you better be able to take it.

  9. If only any one else could understand it Brad , it would be you,,,always had more respect for you than this set-up BS. And that’s what it is. You will see it seen in the future as well, not from me. Been and always be a fox-hole buddy, hugs and regards always.
    You know me better never would have said this!

  10. My Dad, who loathes crass language, even though he was (is) a Marine, used to say these to describe F**king off. “Fiddly Foo foodidlydoodling around”, or “Dinklefutzing around”, which I believe has German roots.

  11. Don’t let the door hit ya….


    My only regret is not calling out the Yawn.
    I wrote a reply, but it was to Lowell saying I understand.
    Then decided not to and left the thread.

    Back on point:

  12. Sorry BFH to somehow draw the punk worthless internet trash now here, my sincere best wishes to those that know me that I respect.
    Case in point
    “This is a mature blog”

    Now THAT hurts.

    Like I think that BFH would ever post that.
    Looking forward to the next post,

  13. From No Blushes: “I do think this is a mature blog, Lowell/Gladys, enjoy!
    BFH, time to subscribe members, F’children have invaded.”

    Sure, just drop the nom de plume. Join me.

    I’m Lowell Haney, 23 Paris Drive, Rome Georgia. The small white house has the Kinder Morgan large white pickup up front. My cell phone is 7067664243. I’m just me on the internet, just like I am in real life.

    I think you are a fuck. I think you are afraid to identify yourself. Why is that exactly? Do you live in fear? That’s no way to live your life. Stand up, be counted for your beliefs. Or be known as less than accountable.

    Now, make your argument as to how you be better than all that. It’ll be sweet.

  14. Hey No Blushes, I’m in $500 bucks on supporting Fur and this web site. How you doing on getting off a few dollars and sending it in to make this venue work?

    Less? More? Not interested in that whole ‘make it possible’ concept?

    Tell me your name. I’ve told you mine. Tell me where you live. I’ve told you where I am.

    Are you afraid of an old white guy like me? Really?

  15. Lowell Haney, 23 Paris Drive, Rome Georgia, 7067664243
    Just hang in there,,

    Just trying to be human and I requested a police welfare check to you.
    Thanks that you have identify yourself and location.
    Wow, not the first time I been called a rotton f’ ,,,

  16. From No Blushes: “Just trying to be human and I requested a police welfare check to you.”

    As I grew up with the Sheriff, I’m sure he’ll (Tim Burkhalter, Floyd County Georgia) be delighted with your interest in my welfare. And even better, if you did so and are not lying about this, I can ask and be told who requested the check on my welfare. If you lied about your identity, you committed a felony with that interaction with law enforcement. The laws got changed after 9/11. Maybe you didn’t know that.

  17. Hey No Blushes, I just sent text messages to Mark Wallace, Chief of our County Police, and Denise McKinney, our Chief of the City Police if inquires into my welfare have been made.

    Mark used to shoot with me competitively and Denise asked my help with her campaign for office.

    I haven’t called the administrative back line into the 911 office (that I built) to see if you called there yet.

    Want to fess up? Did you make that call?

  18. Bad person me?
    If you think this was just a phony internet farce,
    nope, I say a lot of trash, however never had been through this , honestly,
    have no acknowledgement of why,,, WTF!
    The real members that know of me, and even know how out their I am, would not even spoof myself or this site to be.

  19. “Bad person me?
    If you think this was just a phony internet farce,
    nope, I say a lot of trash, however never had been through this , honestly,
    have no acknowledgement of why,,, WTF!
    The real members that know of me, and even know how out their I am, would not even spoof myself or this site to be.”

    That ain’t you, No Blushes. I know that. Hijack of your user name.

    Talk to me.

  20. From F’off: “Enjoy my username, you pussy POS”

    My enjoyment knows no bounds of your username. I am, and remain, your pussy POS.

    Goddam, sometimes the interwebs is more fun than you really expect.

  21. I think a few folks here should have another drink…. As for me, one of my favorite archaic terms is “absquatulate”, which I will do now.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  22. if i don’t know the word i look it up. i store a screenshot of the definition. i review my collection of screen shots when extraordinarily bored. here’s a few from my storage folder: churlish, fisk, mercurial, QUISLING, cosset, Sisyphean, PUSILLANIMOUS, traduce, keening, anodyne, infantilize, evanescent, dilatory, maladroit, dialectic.

  23. Tenterhooks. Sharp hook used to hang cloth. State of unease, strain or suspense. We were on tenterhooks. I’m still alive, sorry to keep you all in tenterhooks since its been a long time since I posted. Happy New year!


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