Petition To Give Part of MN To Canada – IOTW Report

Petition To Give Part of MN To Canada

What is called the Northwest Angle of Minnesota is so far north that it is surrounded on three sides by Canada and can only be accessed by from The United States by crossing the Lake of the Woods. Late last month someone started a WH petition to give the survey mistake back to the Canadians, but “Angleites” who live there prefer things the way they are now. Here

17 Comments on Petition To Give Part of MN To Canada

  1. How about we keep the NW Angle and other areas of MN populated by people who actually want to be Americans and work a trade for part of Alberta in return for the narrow band of coast running from the Seattle to Portland idiotpolises populated by people who loathe America. A win – win!!

  2. “…Much of the land is owned by the Native American Red Lake Nation of the Chippewa tribe.”

    Why is the White House being petitioned for this?
    Must be socialists, giving away what isn’t theirs to begin with.

  3. I’m sure it’s better than being surrounded on all 4 sides by El Salvador or Honduras, like so many neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

    It’s like: live chickens pecking around, wrecked cars in the front yard, young hoodlums with gold teeth & tats, women perpetually pregnant, sound of gunfire at night. Stay away.


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