Report: Egypt Wants To Block 60 Minutes Interview With President Al-Sisi Set To Air Tonight – IOTW Report

Report: Egypt Wants To Block 60 Minutes Interview With President Al-Sisi Set To Air Tonight

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi apparently said too much to 60 Minutes host Scott Pelley.
The Arabic nation has been trying to get the news magazine program to not broadcast the interview, but to no avail.

Reports are that al-Sisi divulged too much information on Egypt’s cooperation with Israel and about political prisoners being held by his government. More

3 Comments on Report: Egypt Wants To Block 60 Minutes Interview With President Al-Sisi Set To Air Tonight

  1. 60 Minutes is down to about ten Viewers…It’ll be fine.

    Unless of course those ten Viewers are Peace Loving mohamedans…

    Then the Camel sh*t will hit the Palm Frond.

  2. CBS can be bought (it wouldn’t be the first time).
    It ‘s only a question of how many bags of gold to bring. They’ll use it offset all those law suits by Restone, Charlie Rose victims, Moonves victims and shareholders.

  3. Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a humanitarian hero.

    And Obama hated him.

    Obama was a big fan of radical Islamist Mohamed Morsi – a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama helped put him into power, and was a big fan of his. The Egyptians were losing whatever freedoms remained as Morsi put the Muslim thumb over the country. Poor Israel had a real enemy in Morsi. World peace and human rights were greatly served by Al-Sisi’s coup over Morsi.

    Obama has not had to suffer even a fraction as much as he should for what he did in Egypt and Iraq and Syria and Iran and Libya – that asshole. Too bad most people are ignorant of the Obama facts.


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