Rep. Dan Crenshaw Slams Hank Johnson For Degrading Trump Supporters: This Is ‘Cowardly’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Slams Hank Johnson For Degrading Trump Supporters: This Is ‘Cowardly’

“So I’ll leave you with this: Pick on somebody your own size,” he continued. “Pick on me if you’d like. My office will be right down the hall from yours — I’ll see you in Washington.”

DC: Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw excoriated Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia on Sunday for degrading the Americans who voted for and support President Donald Trump.

While giving a keynote address to the Atlanta NAACP on Jan. 1, Johnson repeatedly compared Trump to Adolf Hitler and painted Trump supporters as “older, less educated, less prosperous” and “dying early.” He further claimed that many are dying from “alcoholism, drug overdoses, liver disease or simply a broken heart caused by economic despair.”

Crenshaw dismissed Johnson’s Hitler comparisons as intellectually dishonest and insulting to the millions of Jews who perished during the Holocaust.

“Ok Mr. Johnson, President Trump is a lot of things but he’s not Hitler,” Crenshaw said in a video posted on social media. “He didn’t kill millions of people. He didn’t start a world war. He doesn’t have any concentration camps.”

“But if you want to insult President Trump, at least you’re picking on somebody your own size. At least you’re picking on somebody who can fight back,” Crenshaw continued. “But you went on to insult, degrade and demean tens of millions of Americans who voted for him. To call them drug addicted, uneducated and unhappy alcoholics — this is a cowardly form of politics.”  MORE

13 Comments on Rep. Dan Crenshaw Slams Hank Johnson For Degrading Trump Supporters: This Is ‘Cowardly’

  1. If Crenshaw did not fight back (verbally), then who will ?? It was not overdone, just an example to give the Republicans some backbone. It seems that only the newcomers have a backbone; they haven’t forgotten (yet) why they are there.

    Long-term Washingtonians are nothing more than wet noodles. Another reason for term limits.

  2. And what would be the comparable comparison of people who vote Democrat. There’s a lot of projection in Johnson’s statement.

    You telling me that 98% black voting bloc for Democrats are highly educated, good natured teetotalers who aren’t dying from killing each other in their own communities?

    Fences make good neighbors and social media tore down the fences that protect all of us from knowing what everyone else thinks of us and vice versa.

  3. Rep. Crenshaw said “They have a vote. And you use your public platform to insult and demean them. This is not the behavior we expect from a member of Congress.”

    Sadly, that is EXACTLY what I’ve come to expect from many members of Congress.

  4. Ole slow talk Johnson: The Island of Guam is about this long, and apprixmately that wide (gesturing with his hands) Could it be Admiral. that with all them Marines on one side, it could tip over into the sea? (I’m paraphrasing but the video is still up.)
    That phucking idiot should be slapped down every time he opens his mouth. Good for Crenshaw. Loretta is right!


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