The President Announces Presidential Address Concerning Southern Border From the Oval Office – Some Networks Are Considering NOT Covering It – IOTW Report

The President Announces Presidential Address Concerning Southern Border From the Oval Office – Some Networks Are Considering NOT Covering It

This is the end of the rope, folks. This is the final straw. The fuse will have been lit if these networks refuse to cover an address to the nation.

I can only hope that this is fake news.

“Political statement”?????



ht/ jmb

34 Comments on The President Announces Presidential Address Concerning Southern Border From the Oval Office – Some Networks Are Considering NOT Covering It

  1. Final straw? You really think the Left cannot go lower than nuclear treason? Bill Ayers begs to differ.

    This is a full-on communist insurgency.


  2. All Pres Trump has to do is quietly let the networks know that ignoring is a two way street – if you expect to get called on at a press conference EVER AGAIN – you best broadcast this

  3. The Networks, like facebook, twitter and other socialist manipulators will air, report and allow only their ideological viewpoints.

    All other views are racist, capitalist, religious, uncaring, anti-American, anti immigrant, pro-gun and right wing fascist propaganda.

    The networks removed the mask of objectivity, integrity and truth years ago and more people are seeing them as they are.

  4. NPC Garrett M. Graff:

    “If you have ever reason to suspect that the President will lie or at least deliberately mislead in his national remarks, do you give him airtime live?”

    Of course you do, knucklehead. Barky got all the airtime he wanted, and I never objected. But hey, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

  5. As President Reagan once said, before he was president, ‘it is a time for choosing’. It would be best for everyone if the networks chose whether or not they are with America or not. To report or not to report is vitally important if you claim to be news organizations. Lies of omission are lies and although it is apparent that your organizations are paid mouth organs for the democrat party, tomorrow will be a coming out party.

    We shall see.

  6. If The Wall were us unpopular as the MSM predict then they would be silly NOT to broadcast this.

    It’s not what they tell you that you should be concerned with.
    It’s what they WONT tell you that makes a difference.

  7. Let he networks choose, any not carrying the broadcast change you for went to the FCC for not fulfilling the mandate of the charter.
    Revocation proceedings to commence immediately.

  8. They’ll cover it. They can’t afford not to. Every American will be watching. Advertisers will be pissed if they don’t. It’s the money baby. Nothing else. These crotchRash Tliab’s mutterfokers don’t give a phuck about America, but they just love the money.

  9. I’m not sure the term “final straw” means what the author is trying to convey.

    “Honey, flip on them thar TV box. I needs to see if NBC is carrying the presidents address… they ain’t? SUMBITCH!!! SAW ME OFF A SHOTGUN!!!!!”

    I’m just not seeing that.

  10. “Political statement” Fur? ….smile….

    America is *very lucky* to have a prez who understands — and can play! — the politics, and the media.

    The job — Trump’s job — is to win, for the people. I don’t much care what it takes. I want The Wall and I want plenty of *legal,* qualified, vetted immigration.

    I liked Herman Cain a lot. He couldn’t “play the game.” Ronnie Reagan could, sorta. But, now, we have the Master of Them All.

    …and, no: they won’t impeach him, because he is pure. And he is smarter than every one of the deep state snakes who want to bring him down.

    Politics? Smolotics? I want The Wall. I want *all* immigration to be lawful, legal.

    ….Lady in Red

  11. President Trump should announce on the air those channels that are refusing to carry his announcements and to remind viewers that those channels should not be relied on at all in the future for emergency information that maybe of concern for many Americans.

  12. I have said all along that he needs to do a fireside chat . Address the people and tell them what’s going down. Play it up like he’s going to tell us we’re going to war. Then bam! Tell the people what the dems are doing to our country! Some have no idea, crazy isn’t it? But I know a young man that never watches the news. His life is happy, he dates he goes to bars on weekends and lives it up. I talk to him about a few things and he has no clue. I said what are you 5? Unreal!

  13. Extirpates for the WIN!!! That is EXACTLY what should be done should they fail to cover his speech. Contrary to their apparent assumption, broadcast licenses are NOT a birthright!

  14. I must say, once more, I am sooooooo proud of President Donald Trump. I chuckled when he came down the escalator. He has risen in my esteem every day since.
    ….Lady in Red

  15. Sorry, gang, the networks do not have broadcast licenses (Authorizations). But their owned-and-operated stations do. NYC, Shitcago, LA(raza) have o&o stations.

    EAS would be good for this, as any large scale attack would be over before the EAS could do any good.

  16. I wish our President would intersperse with his own thoughts clips of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and Barry Soetoro arguing for the importance of border security.

  17. Just tell the media it is about the urgent need to address climate change and then talk about whatever the fuck you want.

    Complete with video of all of the Democrats who supported a wall 10 years ago.

  18. If the networks choose not to cover the speech and…

    if major social media managers block the speech and…

    if major telecoms block the local ISPs from seeing the speech…

    …then basically a handful of uberrich left wing cunts can prevent the vast majority of the US public from seeing a speech from their President.

    It’s time to start in with torches and pitchforks with some Silicon Valley a-holes, if you ask me.

  19. I agree with Marooned, show videos from all the major networks, of all the libs, speaking out in favor of the wall and against illegal invaders. They don’t have to be long 10-15 seconds, it’ll kill them. It will completely demoralize their attempt for equal time. They will appear as inept and incompetent as we know them to be. This is an absolute GRAND SLAM OPPORTUNITY!!


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