Dems Demand Equal Time After President’s Address Because He’s Such a Liar – IOTW Report

Dems Demand Equal Time After President’s Address Because He’s Such a Liar


“Now that the television networks have decided to air the president’s address, which if his past statements are any indication will be full of malice and misinformation, Democrats must immediately be given equal airtime,” their statement read in part.

The president has asked for $5.7 billion in funding for a wall along the U.S. southern border. But Democratic leaders have only offered a little more than $1 billion for “border security.”

28 Comments on Dems Demand Equal Time After President’s Address Because He’s Such a Liar

  1. There is no rational argument against the wall. Why are we negotiating with insane people? Declare a state of emergency (since the lunatics are running the asylum) and build the fucking thing, whatever the cost.

    Put a nail on the left’s coffin!

  2. I just listened to a Hispanic Law maker Libtard Democrat say these words. “The wall won’t prevent people from coming across the boarder because not all of the wall will be built on the boarder”. My aching head. Why do Conservatives not ask questions, press them, reveal them. Exactly where the fuck is she going with that? What, some of that walls going to be built in Kansas? What the hell, exactly, is that suppose to mean. It’s a prime, and missed, opportunity to make these idiots reveal themselves ass the assholes they are. Right now they say this dumb ass shit and conservatives are like “Oh, OK, well I guess that’s a reason”. This weak shit happens all the time. Git in their faces. Make them explain their dumb ass statements.

  3. If Trump does the presentation that he can, and should do, the libs will be embarrassed to show their face. Trump has 8 minutes? Is that what I saw? 15-20 minutes would be better. This is Trump’s moment for a GRAND SLAM!! As we say among us in my business when we are handed a lead pipe cinch, “don’t fuck it up”.

  4. I would like to see some videos of previous statements from the libs, as well as pictures of their homes and gated communities with armed guards. This is an opportunity he needs to jump all over on! These opportunities don’t come up everyday.

  5. ….and then President Trump gets a rebuttal to their rebuttal….Do they really think they can poke the bear?…
    On the bright side, it might just be what makes Nancy finally core out, twitching and gurgling….

  6. ???
    8 (eight) minutes to discuss a ‘national emergency?’ That is not acceptable to me. A matter of such importance, when addressed by the President, should be open ended and the length left to his discretion, and certainly not determined by msm or the democrats.
    In that Trump is asking for 5.7 billion, which is but a part of what is ultimately required, and the figure of 1.6 has been previously mentioned as possibly available (but for ‘security,’ not a wall), the democrats should be limited to 2 1/4 minutes for their rebuttal of his 8 minutes, if allowed at all. The democrats should have to establish ‘standing’ first, in that they should have to justify their ignoring of existing immigrations laws.

  7. “(This is the year, friends! This is the year the D’s and their anti-American leftism gets shot all to hell!)”

    I’d love you even more if I thought you were literal. Sorry Geoff.

  8. 8 minutes seems so short. If anyone can get their point across in that time it’s Trump. Will there be charts, graphs, victims of illegals standing behind him?

    Be direct sir and tell it like it is. 🤞

  9. At this point he should just DO IT.
    Those of us that support the wall to secure our nation’s border are with him and those who don’t want it will never want it.

    It IS a matter of preservation for this country. Cut the $6billion from any foreign military folly you’d like. None are the priority that is US sovereignty. Let the leftists’ heads explode because we don’t care what they say, it’s usually contradictory, false and stupid.

  10. Equal airtime is not a requirement for rebuttals to an address given by the President to the American public. However, airing such an important address should be mandatory for all public media. Refusing to do so would be sedition, actually a form of a coup. No matter what the subject of the address would be, the American people have a right to hear it. If some kind of legal, Constitutional action needed to be taken against the President because of the content of the address; then, and only then, should any form of political rebuttal be given media time. Trump may not be liked as President, but he still is the President, and he must not be stifled in his governing powers by a Communist-run media. Actually the FCC should be jumping in on this corruption, fast and furiously. This address is not a campaign commercial, so does not require equal time for anyone.

  11. I hope the President plays that video I say on Saturday that shows the Donald watching all those democRATs talking about how we need border control.
    BTW – I can’t seem to find that anywhere. Does anyone have a link for it?

  12. “…because not all of the wall will be built on the boarder…”

    Bad_Brad, at least she admits that the wall will be built. And now they’re just moving the goalposts to where it will be built. Progress.

  13. It can only be proven by those with the “meters”, but can be participated in by anyone willing to pick up a phone: Let your local stations (not the national networks) know that you’re watching the newsworthy address, but are switching off that channel for the rest of the night (including, especially note, the local news), if they carry the purely propaganda “rebuttal” that some want to follow.

  14. I have never seen a rebuttal to any President’s speech except the STOU address. But since the dems “demand” equal time they will probably get it from their MSM buddies.

  15. They’re going to be busy rebutting, what with the SOTU coming up. Maybe we should call them the Rebuttlican Party.

    And Mitt, just stay the hell out of it, okay? Can you do that, please?

  16. An “aha” moment:

    The D’s want to make a rebuttal because POTUS Trump “.is such a liar”? How do you rebut a president who goes on national tee vee to tell the country what he’s decided to do about the problem? Do you still call him a liar? Do you call a president who does everything he promises to do a liar? Ooopsie.

    Eight minutes is about the right amount of time to announce your strategy for securing the southern border, isn’t it. The D’s don’t want to debate the issue? That’s fine, they forfeited their input to the solution.


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