Dem Energy and Commerce Chair on Push to Reject Fossil Fuel Donations: It’s the ‘Wrong Way to Go’ – IOTW Report

Dem Energy and Commerce Chair on Push to Reject Fossil Fuel Donations: It’s the ‘Wrong Way to Go’

WFB: Rep. Frank Pallone (D., N.J.), the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on Tuesday pushed back against a call from progressives for lawmakers to turn down campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.

Pallone, in an interview reported by Politico, appeared on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” to discuss his agenda as the chairman overseeing climate change, health care, and other issues.  Host Brian Lehrer mentioned how Pallone recently agreed with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D., N.Y.) “Green New Deal” proposal but breaks away from Ocasio-Cortez on whether politicians should receive campaign contributions from figures in the oil, gas, and coal industries.

Pallone did not agree with this assessment, saying he would definitely be looking at “Green New Deal” proposal but noting he doesn’t believe some of the proposals are “technologically or politically feasible.” He specifically questioned the idea of the United States being carbon-neutral in 10 years. In terms of political contributions, Pallone said he is not someone who will tell members of the committee they can’t take money from specific industries or people associated with those committees.  more here


See Also:

Julian Castro Challenges 2020 Dem Candidates to Refuse All PAC Donations.

4 Comments on Dem Energy and Commerce Chair on Push to Reject Fossil Fuel Donations: It’s the ‘Wrong Way to Go’

  1. Listen asshole, fossil fuel is what we have. Fossil fuel is what we need. There are no actual, physical, workable alternatives. Renewable energy ISN’T. It’s fantasy nothing more. Shut the fuck up you virtue signaling bucket of shit.


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