Aww – Actor Bryan Cranston Facing Backlash From His Fellow Nutters – IOTW Report

Aww – Actor Bryan Cranston Facing Backlash From His Fellow Nutters

Cranston is a dopey libturd who mouths what he’s expected to. He dutifully has all the “correct” positions.

But now he’s facing backlash from the emerging power base of his lunatic party —> The Social Justice Warriors!

Cranston is probably confused, thinking he was a fellow traveler and “safe.”


The new left is ruthless in their abject stupidity, sorta like allowing a spider monkey to handle a gatling gun. Eventually, you’re going to get shot.

What did Cranston do?

He acted! He acted like a guy paralyzed from the neck down. SJWs wonder why the part didn’t go to a guy who is actually paralyzed.

(This is weapons grade stupid, and I have zero sympathy for anyone caught in the web of this Idiocracy.)


Bryan Cranston, probably best known for his role as Walter White in “Breaking Bad”, plays the role of a quadriplegic in his new movie, “The Upside”, alongside comedian Kevin Hart.

The 62 year-old actor acts like a quadriplegic in the movie, because his job was to act like a quadriplegic.

You can bet this type of acting set leftists off just like smoke sets off that beloved fire alarm your landlord — for some reason — placed right next to your kitchen stove. Why, oh, why?

In a VICE article titled, “Bryan Cranston Advocated for Disabled Actors While Taking a Role from One,” writer Taylor Hosking whines about Cranston’s abled body having a high level of celebrity and keeping disabled people from seeing the light of Hollywood heaven.

“…his decision to play Lacasse [the billionaire quadriplegic Cranston portrays] has also prevented a lesser-known disabled actor from getting the opportunity to play the role and gain celebrity. It’s no wonder, then, that disabled actors in Hollywood have a hard time landing enough roles to amass the name recognition of a franchise leader like Cranston,” Hosking wrote.

The outrage didn’t stop with this writer. Cue Twitter:




33 Comments on Aww – Actor Bryan Cranston Facing Backlash From His Fellow Nutters

  1. I’m looking forward to a truly quadriplegic actor playing an Olympic or professional athlete. How dare he or she?

    Also, actors play dead all the time. What about truly dead actors playing these roles?

    These people, with their stupid twatster accounts, is why I don’t watch Hollywood or tv.

    Keep yapping morons.

  2. Well Brian, you picked the bed to sleep in… you shoulda known who you were jumping into bed with.
    Most of us on the Right had parents that taught us to “Look before you leap!”
    Whut did yer parents teach you about… Panama Red?

  3. I hope they organize a boycott of the movie and demand a re-do starring some quad who thinks they can act which in turn has a boycott started by gay quads that felt the part should have gone to them. Then they all get together and roll over to Cranstons house form a picket line of wheelchairs which makes the news and causes a call from a studio head to Cranston informing him that regretfully they decided to go another way with the lead character he had been signed to play. Cranston, stunned at the news slips backwards and breaks his neck becoming a quad himself. He then confidently auditions for the part from the movie that started all this only to be told that as a white male he’s not suitable for the part.

  4. I deeply resent actors who portray older, over-weight chain smoking white guys with subpar personalities who get the smoking hot girl in the end. I am an older, over-weight chain smoking white guy with a subpar personality who would be perfect for these types of roles, and I could sure use the smoking hot girl. Wait, those roles go to Val Kilmer.

    Anyway, why aren’t superheros played by actual superheros? Why aren’t suave and debonair secret agents played by actual secret agents? Why wasn’t Mary Poppins played by a real working nanny? Why aren’t aliens from outer space played either by aliens from outer space or Nancy Pelosi? So many questions and so much discrimination.

  5. A pansy named Ally is a disabled actor who sounds angry that he didn’t get the role. Being a disabled actor is pretty limiting…seems like there are a lot of roles he would not be selected for. When this nonsense gets out to the public at large, we’ll have lifeguards who can’t swim and blind airline pilots. Naturally, Hollywood leads the country in all kinds of idiocy.

  6. I love the “thinks he’s qualified” to play a quadriplegic.
    Sooooo, you have to be qualified…..
    So does that mean you dumb sjws will stop acting like communism is great since you’ve never lived in a communist nation or you’ll keep your Canadian and leftist mouths shut about conservatives because you aren’t one?
    I swear these people are nothing more than control freaks.
    They want to dictate everyone’s lives like “The Truman Show”.

  7. I am offended by Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck. Not one of them is even close to a superhero Batman.

    Why did they choose non-superheroes during the time of high unemployment of “real” superheroes?

    And then Whoopi Goldberg playing a NUN in Sister Act? Couldn’t they at least look at a real Nun for that part? For Christ’s sake.

  8. They’re going to put me in the movies,
    They’re going to make a big star outta me,
    It’s all about a man that’s quadriplegic
    And all I have to do is – act naturally,
    Oh, wait …..ah, ah, Never mind.

  9. Why was Sally Field playing a Flying Nun when they should have given the role to a nun who could really fly?

    And, why is Ruth Buzzi Ginsburg being played by a non-hideous looking woman in the moronic puff-piece fantasy of her life? Were there no capable hideous looking women available? You mean to tell me that Whoopie Goldberg, Sarah Jessica Parker and Bette Midler were ALL unavailable? I think NOT!

  10. Taylor Hosking has also prevented a lesser-known able-bodied writer from getting the opportunity to ruin their career by writing for Vice and becoming highly discredited. It’s no wonder, then, that lousy writers in Hollywood have a hard time landing any work to amass the name recognition of a hack like Taylor.

  11. It has escaped the consciousness of these whining idiots that being an actor or actress has always been about pretending to be someone they are not. The more talented ones do it convincingly.

    Heck these whiners are low talent actors themselves. Pretending to be intelligent, compassionate, and wise, which clearly they are not. Many of the more power-hungry greedy criminal-minded actor wannabes become politicians.


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