Occasional-Cortex Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp

DC: Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2018 congressional campaign was fined by the state of New York for failing to provide the proper workers’ compensation coverage to campaign staffers.

“The employer did not have the required workers’ compensation coverage from March 31, 2018 to April 30, 2018,” Melissa Stewart, the spokeswoman for New York’s Workers Compensation Board, told The New York Daily News. “[It] was issued a final penalty of $1,500, which was paid.”

“This coverage is vital to ensuring workers are protected for on-the-job injuries,” Stewart continued.

The self-proclaimed Democratic socialist has been portraying herself as a champion for workers’ rights. During her campaign, she advocated for a $15-an-hour minimum wage and a Federal Jobs Guarantee because according to her website, “anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment.”

Interestingly, the progressive congresswoman bemoaned in August the closing of a restaurant where she was previously employed — however, the restaurant cited an Ocasio Cortez-endorsed policy as a partial reason for its closure.   more here

14 Comments on Occasional-Cortex Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp

  1. I’ve met women like this. The only way to shut their damn mouth up is to put something in it. This little girl is an embarrassment to our process and most of all our Constitution. Same with that Muzzie bitch that got elected. A Constitutional Republic is all about the rule of law, and not about the majority. Something our political opponents have not figured out yet. Chancy are pushing for a civil war. Lets do it.

  2. So was her campaign classifying employees as independent contractors? Maybe as a working class latina brought up the Bronks she was never told about all the capitalistic safeguards against employee abuse that she feels she is entitled to twist into her favor

  3. “Her campaign paid a penalty of $1,500.00. That’s not something we can hang our hat on…”

    We couldn’t hang our hat on it anyway, no matter the amount; It was a hit from her own side, which knows that it can’t hit America’s favorite crybaby onionskin too hard, or she’ll play the victim to her fawning media.. The questions are: whether or not she knows what just happened to her was a shot across her bow by her own party, and if she’ll moderate accordingly. I think the answer to both is “no”.

  4. A $15.00 /hr. government requirement for burger flippers and the like is going to create fewer jobs, not moew, so her “anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment.” is an apple and potato argument.

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