5 Republican House Members Join Democrat Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales – IOTW Report

5 Republican House Members Join Democrat Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

 Peter King (R-NY)

Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)

Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

Chris Smith (R-NJ),

 Brian Mast (R-FL)



Breitbart: Five Republican House members have joined the Democrat push to criminalize private gun sales.

The five are Reps. Peter King (R-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Brian Mast (R-FL).

King is a sponsor of the bill to criminalize private gun sales, standing with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) for more gun control. And Rep. Mast is continuing to show a penchant for gun control he first displayed after the Parkland school shooting, when he called for President Trump to enact a national ban on the sale of AR-15 rifles.  more here

26 Comments on 5 Republican House Members Join Democrat Push to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

  1. The Constitution grants no authority whatsoever to elected representatives to pass laws restricting the freedom to keep and bear arms! They should concentrate on their very narrow authority under the law and work on doing the right thing within that authority!

  2. Brian Mast??? godamn…He is A Veteran who was bragging about

    being ALL AMERICAN even though He lost His Legs in Afghanistan.

    The Left must already have pics of Him at Comet Pizza.

  3. Another LEO in California shot and killed by an illegal alien. Officer Natalie Corona, 22, a rookie LEO following in her fathers footsteps killed while following up on a report of a car accident. Hey libs, how many is too many?

  4. I am shocked! They list a man who has been a member of the Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY for 26 years first!@#$%^&!?@!

    This progressive GWB tool’s name is Peter King.

    Not shocked that the conservative Brietbart listed this liberal/progressive Bush “Republican”* first. Andy had no use for leftist Republicans like GWB and P. King! Andy may be dead but Brietbart seems to still not like libs like GWB and his puppets. Good!

    * remember that Oct 8 Bush “Republidans” told the world to vote Clinton! After all Obama may be more conservative than Clinton; but the Clintons are “rock riled Republicans”! At least for a “compasionate conservative” the Clintons are Republican!

  5. Their constituents “only” need to wait less than two years to primary them out or vote them out. It’s long past time to stop talking and start doing! Every other individual priority pales in comparison to this because without the Second Amendment and what it protects, individual priorities soon will cease to exist.

  6. Might want to take a look at the yellow vest movement in Europe, once a critical mass of the citizenry has had just about enough of government overreach there is no telling what will light the fuse.

  7. I am not a criminal now,never have been! The 5 republican house members who are so woefully ignorant of our RIGHTS wish to make me a criminal. If by some slight chance they succeed they may find they have created a very dangerous Patriot indeed.

  8. @forcibly deranged January 11, 2019 at 5:44 pm

    > Their constituents “only” need to wait less than two years to primary them out or vote them out. It’s long past time to stop talking and start doing! Every other individual priority pales in comparison to this because without the Second Amendment and what it protects, individual priorities soon will cease to exist.

    People willing to wait… until The Party allows them to vote… for whomever The Party decides is acceptable to The Party to list on The Party’s ballots… to have the acceptable winner announced by The Party… have no use for guns. They may need them… like Linus needs his blanket… but they have no use for them.

  9. I stopped voting for POS Upton years ago. I wish more people in MI 6 would wake up. I think he thinks since he almost lost to the Democrat this past November, being more like a Democrat will get him more votes. He’s apparently not smart enough to realize that if he started voting like a conservative he’d get a lot more votes as this is a very conservative district, other than the City of Kalamazoo.

  10. The Communist agenda requires stripping people of weapons. Any member of Congress who wants the people stripped of guns any way possible is obviously a Communist (a wolf in sheep’s clothing). They are falsely sworn in to uphold the Constitution, but just plain lie. Truth is not a communist character trait. An insidious, sinister political system of communist enablers working together to have total control of the American people. They have been at it for decades, successfully.


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