‘Justice Democrats’ Announce Campaign to Unseat Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar – IOTW Report

‘Justice Democrats’ Announce Campaign to Unseat Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar

WRB: Justice Democrats, a progressive political action committee that helped recruit and elect Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), announced Friday it had selected its first Democrat to unseat in the 2020 elections.

In a tweet Friday morning, Justice Democrats took aim at Rep. Henry Cuellar (D., Texas). The post noted Cueller has voted with President Donald Trump “69% of the time,” and has taken conservative positions on a number of issues. Cuellar is one of the few House Democrats praised by gun rights and pro-life organizations.  more here

6 Comments on ‘Justice Democrats’ Announce Campaign to Unseat Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar

  1. “In July 2014, Cuellar raised alarm that President Barack Obama’s administration was not taking the border crisis seriously. In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Cuellar worried that the government was moving too slowly on responding to border security. “The administration should have been ready,” he said. “With all due respect to the administration, they’re one step behind. They should have seen this coming a long time ago.”

    Now, with the new White House occupant supporting stronger border security measures, Cuellar opposes a border wall and denies the existence of an immigration crisis.”

    So cliché. Get a rope…

  2. old henry is super strong in his district which his predominantly latino. His district stretches from San Antonio down to McAllen Texas. It would take a nuclear bomb to root him out. It might be fun to watch the Justice Dims try though. All that will be accomplished is pissing off Mr. Cuellar and that could have serious repercussions within the demoncrat party.
    Way to go Cortez, keep em coming.

  3. ‘Justice Democraps’ is one hell of an oxymoron. There is no justice when these people proclaim justice but the only justice they have is for their politically correct approved grievance groups, their justice is only for their fellow travelers and believers, no one else who disagrees with them is entitled to any real justice. Real justice is supposed to be blind, their justice is like Big Brother constantly watching everyone’s every move, action, thought to make sure the ignorant masses agree with them or else.


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