Chinese Woman Has Disease That Lots of Women Would Like To Have – IOTW Report

Chinese Woman Has Disease That Lots of Women Would Like To Have

CT Post

A woman in China is making headlines for a rare type of temporary hearing condition that makes her unable to hear low frequencies, such as men’s voices. According to theĀ Daily Mail, the patient, only identified as Ms. Chen, woke up one morning and couldn’t hear her boyfriend speak.

So, she can hear Brian Stelter, and most other beta male leftists, just fine. Correct?

Chen went straight to Qianpu Hospital, where she was seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist. Dr. Lin Xiaoqing, who treated Chen, told reporters, “She was able to hear me when I spoke to her, but when a young male patient walked in, she couldn’t hear him at all.”

The night before, Chen felt nausea and suffered from a ringing in her ears. She was also under a lot of stress, working late and not getting enough sleep. Chen thought little of it and went to sleep as usual before waking up with the condition.

Doctors were initially puzzled by her symptoms, but she was eventually diagnosed with “reverse-slope hearing loss, in which she could only hear high frequencies.”


Hey, wait, what?

Did he just say a Chinese woman is afflicted with “reverse-slope“?

That’s racist, no?


9 Comments on Chinese Woman Has Disease That Lots of Women Would Like To Have

  1. I have a similar problem in that I usually can’t hear high pitched frequencies. I just respond “yes, dear” about every three or four minutes, and this seems to do the trick.

  2. …the high-pitch thing @Wyatt refers to is real. I actually heard a (male) doctor call it “women and children deafness”, because young children are usually in the same tonal range as ACTUAL women.

    …just make sure he says that in your WIFE’S hearing range though, guys, it’s a bit TOO convenient to be believed otherwise…

  3. They all have this issue. Then after we say ” we already talked about this half an hour ago”, they then get angry and we get the blame for it.

    It’s a conspiracy.

  4. 9x’s out of 10 its a mental block issue.
    I do it with my wife a few times a day.
    I’m actually being nice in letting her rethink her request with some logic applied.


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