Remember when the right accused feminism of trying to destroy the nuclear family and they laughed at the paranoia? – IOTW Report

Remember when the right accused feminism of trying to destroy the nuclear family and they laughed at the paranoia?

Feminism isn’t trying to destroy all nuclear families, just the white ones.

Feminist Professor: White Nuclear Families Are Racist & Supremacist.

‘Experts’ on racism, White supremacy and feminism, agree that White nuclear families are racist and that White women who oppose anti-Whiteness are ‘violent.’

Lana  looks closer at ‘professor’ Jessie Daniels who has slandered and misrepresented Lana’s views in many opinion pieces on HuffPost. This anti-White feminist is now primarily attacking White women who are on the right. Find out what triggered her descent into hostility towards family and traditionalism. It’s more obvious than you might think.

10 Comments on Remember when the right accused feminism of trying to destroy the nuclear family and they laughed at the paranoia?

  1. Time to stop government backed student loans. Maybe when enough colleges close, survivors will have to compete. These nut job professors can compete for good paying jobs at the car wash. Colleges will have to teach rather than indoctrinate.

  2. Well, the war on nuclear families worked out really well for the black community with an urban illegitimacy rate of about 75%, high drop out rates, and crime ridden and gang infested neighborhoods. I suppose it’s easier to expand the destruction to other segments of society instead of admitting your theories are a crock of shit.

  3. Feminism, one of the horrifying things the democrats launch on American women. Thanfully may ladies shunned feminism. I applaude them. I think more ladies of today realize feminsism was a horrible scam.

  4. Seriously, these kinds of femtard twats need to start getting killed. Enough. The amount of misery and suffering they’ve caused has been legion, and there needs to be hell to pay.

  5. The Feminist Plaque started in the late 1800s with Suffragettes – the militant feminist component that hijacked the campaign for women’s right to vote.

    Progressive upper class white women were recruited as cadre leaders. Their mission was to continue recruiting and help control poor and “racial and ethnically undesirable” populations (birth control, abortion, alternative lifestyles) through the guise of community service – Margaret Sainger clones.

    For example, abortion was introduced as a solution to poverty long before it became the stalwart of “women’s rights”. As a result, the destuction of families in urban and some rural areas became the inevitable fallout – as planned. Yep, Planned Parenthood.

    The malignancy of feminism has adapted over the years. It still recruits white upperclass women as cadre indoctrinated by our socialist educational system, but due to economic, technical and medical advancements in society, those poor and racial/ethnic undesirables have much better status and now in charge of their own destruction by being leftist tools of progressive political and social organizations.

    Crime, gender dysphoria, elicit drug use and abortion are rampant, aided and abetted by feminism. The deteriorating effects of feminism on its cadre is not new – that started in the 1960s.

    What is new is the vast cultural shift from civility, God-focused morality, patriotism and common sense to a nihilist, criminalized, narcissistic, socialistic mindset. Feminism is feeding on the cultural upheaval and consuming it’s own at a rapid rate.

  6. Feminism is a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. All feminists are clinically insane. The insane should be medicated and/or incarcerated to protect society from its corrosive influences.

  7. @Will January 13, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    > I think more ladies of today realize feminsism was a horrible scam.

    (To quote Nelson Muntz)

    A hundred years ago, people not on the less than average side of the intelligence curve knew what feminism was. Fifty years ago, people on the less than average side of the intelligence curve, chose to believe that the people who always lie to them, were telling the truth, this time, just this one time, about their own lying eyes, when feminism was implemented far and wide. Now, even the anencephalic know what feminism, is, was, must always be.

    Too many, though still few, have been told the same story, with different names for the same cast, about their own lying eyes, too many times, to believe that the people who always lie to them, are telling the truth, this time, just this one time. And are acting accordingly.

    And, the people who always lie to them, are telling them that “feminism, might, possibly, just a tiddle, be slightly, possibly, just a little, off course.” This time. Just this one time. And those few, but still too many, aren’t disbelieving their own lying eyes, any more.

    “[F]eminsism was a horrible scam”? Past tense? How many of these “ladies of today” are demanding “the patriarchy” that never was? Or is the “horrible scam” just a qualitative judgment? “Horrible” because too many aren’t falling for it. Now. And a better, stronger, faster scam is needed. So feminists can continue harvesting their enemies? While their enemies strive to be “worthy” of harvesting. And the people who always lie to them, can keep on keepin’ on.

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