Anti-Antifa Porn – IOTW Report

Anti-Antifa Porn

The guy in the black tee and white sleeves seems to be an antifa wrecking ball. Looks like they’ll be recouping on the basement couch for a long time.

36 Comments on Anti-Antifa Porn

  1. Sad that Trump’s Amerikkka has come to the point where patriotic leftists can’t go out and enlighten those who desperately it, without fear of being hurt by savage racists. Shame.

    Save us, Obama.


  2. Good ol’ white sleeves kicking ass and not taking names,just going about his business.
    We all might have to do the same thing soon,real soon.
    The left is out of control,just wait till RBG kicks the bucket.

  3. As per Louis Lamour: A mob cannot stand against a Man. A Man will make the crowd back down. Nothing is more powerful than a man who knows he’s right and keeps coming.

  4. The only thing better than watching liberal temper tantrum meltdowns from election night 2016 is watching Antifa getting well deserved beatdowns.
    I think I actually ovulated watching that guy punch out those Antifa pukes.

  5. Sharks and the Jets, Westside Story just hasn’t been the same since the soy revolution.
    White sleeves has an arm protector under those sleeves.
    Smart move when your opponents carry sticks and little bravery.


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