Nice Man With a Machete Tased – IOTW Report

Nice Man With a Machete Tased

The best part of the video is the juxtaposition of the canned announcement over the train loudspeaker – “If you see something, call…”

“Hello… yeah… I just saw something. I see my country being overrun by machete wielding savages because progressive douchenozzles think “multi-culturalism” is best for me and my family. Yeah, and the worst part is that progressives can never, ever, admit they are wrong. So I’m afraid my country is all but ruined because of fart-cupping liberal know-it-alls that know nothing except how to be wrong with toxic ego-driven stubbornness.”


17 Comments on Nice Man With a Machete Tased

  1. How does Theresa May continue to survive the votes of NO confidence with all of these maniacs running around “clearing the jungle”?
    Thank the Good Lord for the USA and my Horandy Critical Defense ammo (CCW).

  2. What the hell’s going on in Great Britain? Cops used to only be allowed purses and umbrellas to defend themselves. Are they giving up on political correctness? Next thing you know they’ll be packing icky and scary guns, just like musloids.

  3. If you see something, shoot something. It doesn’t have to be a taser. Stinking bastards with machetes and the authorities are required to treat him as nicely as they can. That’s not how to win the war.

  4. Love the way that one cop rushes up and lays the machete right next to the guy. That would have been something if the guy had grabbed it and chopped those cops into pieces in front of the passengers. Key the Benny Hill song.

  5. It should never have got the point where the public at large has to witness this crap! It’s not just the crime itself that makes our places less livable, it’s the intrusion of “Cops! London” (New York, Seattle, Portland, L.A., etc.) that puts everyone on edge — understandably paranoid and depressed. “Situational Awareness” should not be watch words for average people just trying to pursue happiness, all because our gov’t employees are ignoring their oath of office.


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