Why Mueller Won’t Produce an Impeachment Report – IOTW Report

Why Mueller Won’t Produce an Impeachment Report

AT: This past week offered some signs that Robert Mueller is finally winding down his cover-up operation with no findings of high crimes or misdemeanors against the president.  Considering the damage the political hacks in Obama’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies have inflicted on the nation, let’s consider the reasons we can hope so and where this sorry saga goes from here.

Last Wednesday, Rod Rosenstein announced that as soon as newly appointed attorney general William Barr takes over the reins at DOJ, he will exit stage left.  Knowing what we do about Rosenstein’s defense of the Spygate conspirators, his willingness to wear a wire to record Trump, and his refusal to cooperate with investigating congressional committees, we can surmise that he’s not anxious to explain his actions to the un-recused incoming A.G.

On Friday, the New York Times published a Deep State-sourced article that was headlined as a bombshell implication that Trump was a Russian agent but was really just a thinly veiled apologia for Comey & Company’s illicit political surveillance.  The report was widely scorned by conservative media as justifying the FBI’s attempted coup because Trump was insufficiently committed to a new Cold War with Russia.

Then came Jonathan Karl’s Sunday revelation on This Week with (Clinton flack) George Stephanopoulos in which Karl quoted sources “interacting with the special counsel” who caution that Mueller’s report will be “anti-climatic.”  This can be interpreted as a leak that Mueller will stop short of attempting to frame Trump for collusion or obstruction.

It shouldn’t be surprising that Mueller won’t “produce” a report that the Democrats and NeverTrumps can use to impeach Trump.  Determining whether Trump colluded or obstructed, which was always absurd on its face, was never the purpose of this special counsel.  Mueller was brought in by Rosenstein to put the new administration on the defensive and prevent Trump from uncovering the depth and the breadth of the wrongdoing by the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton.  In that effort, he has largely succeeded.

No one is investigating whether the DNC was in fact hacked or if its emails were leaked internally.  The hundreds of millions collected by Clinton foundations from foreign interests while Hillary was secretary of state, and presumed 45th president, is just water under the bridge.  Whether Joseph Mifsud, Henry Greenberg, Felix Sader, and others were working for CIA head John Brennan and interacted with the Trump campaign peddling Russia-related pretexts may never be known.  These and a hundred other Spygate questions appear destined to go unanswered.  more here

9 Comments on Why Mueller Won’t Produce an Impeachment Report

  1. It isn’t going to matter what it says, the House Democrats are going for Impeachment. They can’t restrain themselves. Just look at their Committee Chairmen and Chairwomen. It doesn’t matter to these people what Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety discovers and discloses. Donald J. Trump must be brought to heel before they let this go. They are going to Make Democrats Great Again! MDGA!

  2. Making demos great “again”?
    They never were great, but I can see that they could make great progress for the nation if they all engaged in a Jim Jones-type ritual…shouldn’t be difficult, just another sip of Kool-Aid…

  3. They deem $0 an appropriate amt for a wall to secure the national border, them being good stewards of the national purse.

    But an open-purse investigation, of undisclosed cost, leading to absolutely nothing was a prudent expense. Both, because Trump.

  4. “No one is investigating whether the DNC was in fact hacked or if its emails were leaked internally. ”

    Too much chance that investigation would also lead to some inquiries about Seth Rich. Ones powerful people would prefer not to have being made.

  5. Mueller will not close his illegal witch hunt for two reasons: 1. As long as the witch hunt is going they can build a case for impeachment based on innuendo and lies. 2. The second Mueller closes his illegal commie backed witch hunt Trump’s hands will be free to put a lot of people in jail including Mueller.

  6. Unless we get runaway government spending — federal, state and local — under control, it doesn’t matter what else we do. We’re going down the tubes. Sooner or later, that debt bomb is going off, and when it does, what happened to the Soviet Union will look like a day at the beach compared to what will happen to us.

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