Beijing Makes Trump $1 Trillion Offer To Seal China Trade Deal; Dow Jones Rises – IOTW Report

Beijing Makes Trump $1 Trillion Offer To Seal China Trade Deal; Dow Jones Rises


Beijing is reportedly promising the moon to reach a China trade deal with President Trump. A new Bloomberg News report says China has offered to buy more than $1 trillion in additional imports over six years, shrinking its $323 billion trade surplus with the U.S. to zero by 2024. While investors are increasingly confident that a China trade deal will happen, the news of a Chinese buying spree added a little hot sauce to the Dow Jones and broader stock market rally on Friday.

After the report, the Dow Jones closed up 1.4%, the S&P 500 index gained 1.3% and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 1% on the stock market today. The Dow and S&P 500 moved above their 50-day moving averages on Thursday on China trade deal hopes.


8 Comments on Beijing Makes Trump $1 Trillion Offer To Seal China Trade Deal; Dow Jones Rises

  1. Shhh! Don’t talk so much. We don’t want the Chicoms to know they can bounce our stock market by making promises. If they find out what they can do to the stock market with promises, there’s no telling what they might do next. So keep this story under your hat, Hat!

  2. The Chinese never negotiate in good faith and do not respect us. Cut them off permanently. America, and America alone, finance their war machine. Make Walmart go by shit some where else and cut them off. Seal up our borders and more importantly seal up our Technology. Cut them off.

  3. BB — China is the toothpaste that is already out of the tube, trade wise. It is far, far better that our man Trump lead the way in which we trade with them than to have China roaming the earth buying up resources and spitting them back out at cut-rate prices (because of low wage labor, shoddy mass production practices, no R&D costs/stolen designs, or no real competition because they extort companies in exchange for manufacturing in China). Besides, the U.S. will not always be the largest consumer market in the world; India — with its eventual, rising ability to purchase — makes China a tough competitor for affordable consumer goods. As does the rest of the world, really. Trump is doing the right thing, now, by exposing China’s One Belt, One Road domination strategy as well as their “pusher” strategy of flooding world markets with artificially cut-rate products — made possible because the “trading” only seems to go one way. They protect their own vast market from U.S. inroads and rack up phenomenal deficits. We have literally rebuilt China with them.

    What I don’t yet understand is how China can pay us a trillion dollars to finalize a trade deal. I don’t know where they’re going to raise that kind of money. Their economy is tanking, they have so much idle infrastructure and they are feeling pressure, now, even from EU countries who just applied tariffs on their steel for the same reason POTUS Trump did.

    And while I’m no economist, at least POTUS Trump’s economic policies have made it a lot easier to understand — a LOT easier to understand — how we got to this place and how we’re going to get out of it. I wish more of my Left leaning friends (especially the ones who think they’re so darn smart) knew the difference between Wall Street and Main Street.

  4. …and I wish those geniuses on Wall Street understood the difference between their own damn street and the durability of POTUS Trump’s rapidly growing domestic economy! Then there wouldn’t be these jittery stampedes reflected in the market swings. I try not to get too forlorn about double digit ups and downs on my 401K. Argggh! They say that the Market hates surprises, but it seems they are the only ones who are surprised!


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