Lying POS with his goon entourage approach Covington students and tell them to go back to Europe – IOTW Report

Lying POS with his goon entourage approach Covington students and tell them to go back to Europe

11 Comments on Lying POS with his goon entourage approach Covington students and tell them to go back to Europe

  1. Don’t forget, Fur, that the Lying Leftist Media is ALSO twisting this (in an attempt to start a race war?) by claiming they white guys harassed the others!

    PURE Goebbels propaganda in action.
    Don’t let *anyone* tell you we’re *not* at war.

  2. Funny thing is, most white people (as far as I’m aware) don’t refer to themselves as: “European-Americans” or any other hyphenated-bullshit.

    And, just for the record: I AM A “NATIVE” American! I was born in the United States of America (sort of – Illinois)!


    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The old red man brought his war drum. If he’s that pissed off at us, why didn’t he bring his tomahawk and bow & arrow?

    Instead, it “Drums Along the Potomoc”.

  4. We could tell those Indians: Go back to Siberia, this is not your land.

    Any liberals, especially the female ones, listening to what old Skinny Bear is saying, might just get a clue: wars are fought over land and its resources. Not because of race or religion or anything else. Land, and the resources on them or under them, is what makes war possible. That’s why he’s saying “Get off my land”.


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