Florida Man Shot After Charging at Deputy With Scissors – IOTW Report

Florida Man Shot After Charging at Deputy With Scissors

Breaking 911: MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — A man who deputies were called to remove for trespassing from his parent’s home was shot by a Martin County Sheriff’s Deputy.

The suspect, who refused to comply with deputy’s commands, charged one of the deputies with scissors. The deputy fired one shot hitting the suspect in the abdomen. The man was transported to the hospital. The deputy was not injured.  more here

13 Comments on Florida Man Shot After Charging at Deputy With Scissors

  1. The guy I renew my carry permit from is an ex Sacramento County Sheriff. Retired now, but still Post Certified. A great guy and a great trainer. He’s been involved in three shoots. All pretty entertaining. One in particular the parents of a whack job call the coppers out because their 40 something son has slipped his dico and swinging a sword. My bud and his partner pull up in the dead of night and here’s this clown on an elevated porch wearing a table cloth like a diaper that jumped down on the hood of their cruiser swinging a Samurai sword. They both jumped to the ground firing their weapons. As he says, “we stitched him pretty good”. But, he lived. Paralyzed. My pal and his partner were sued. Guess by whom? Yes, the parents.

  2. Well yeah, but the old fashioned way. With scissors.

    Had no idea the base M.P’s would have chased me down with automatic weapons. That 4th grade diorama damn near got me kilt.


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