Nancy Pelosi’s $2 million in travel junkets is starting to get noticed – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi’s $2 million in travel junkets is starting to get noticed

American Thinker: Not only was President Trump’s masterly counter-move against House speaker Nancy Pelosi an expert power play against the speaker’s bid to take the television set away from him at the State of the Union, but it drew attention to something that doesn’t get much attention, the fact that she’s got some Imelda Marcos-style spending habits in state-financed travel.

According to the Daily Caller, citing Judicial Watch:

Pelosi’s trip to Italy and Ukraine from July 30 to Aug. 6, 2015, cost the Air Force $184,587.81, according to documents released Saturday under a 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by Judicial Watch.  Her delegation was made up of nine other members of Congress, including Democratic Reps. Anna Eshoo of California and Marcia Fudge of Ohio.

Four family members, including Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, were on the trip.  The delegation dined at restaurants including James Beard American Restaurant in Milan, where a five-course meal cost up to $190, according to Fine Dining Lovers.  The lawmakers also toured the Vatican and met up with Italian dignitaries, including President Sergio Mattarella and then-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, according to their itinerary.

It gets worse.  According to Judicial Watch itself-

9 Comments on Nancy Pelosi’s $2 million in travel junkets is starting to get noticed

  1. @gin blossom
    She usually takes a C-37 unless she has all her entourage.
    Trust me, the C-37 is the nicest passenger jet in the sky.
    In the high roller lexicon, it’s a Gulfstream.
    California is where she wants to be, grape vines, swimmin’ pools, movie stars.


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