Bishop Foy Apologizes for Being ‘Bullied’ into ‘Premature Statement’ on Covington Incident – IOTW Report

Bishop Foy Apologizes for Being ‘Bullied’ into ‘Premature Statement’ on Covington Incident

The apology came after Sandmann’s family hired lawyer L. Lin Wood, who according to the Washington Post, “often [seeks] eye-popping damages for those he believes have been libeled or slandered in the press.”

Breitbart: The Bishop of Covington on Friday apologized to parents of Covington Catholic High School for being “bullied” into issuing a “premature statement” regarding an incident involving some of its students and a Native American activist during last Friday’s March for Life event in Washington, D.C.

“Within hours we were being pressured from all sides to make a statement regarding a video clip which purportedly showed students from Covington Catholic High School being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips,” Bishop Roger J. Foys wrote in a letter.

“Based on what the video clip showed we condemned the actions of students who engaged in the alleged disrespect and promised to investigate the matter,” he continued. “Once these went viral some of the very same people who put tremendous pressure on us to condemn the actions of the students now wanted a retraction from anyone who had previously issued a statement critical of them. All this was based again on a video.”  read more

43 Comments on Bishop Foy Apologizes for Being ‘Bullied’ into ‘Premature Statement’ on Covington Incident

  1. If he’s admitted to being “bullied” into an attack on children then he’s proven that he is unfit for the job as Bishop and needs to resign. The Catholic Church really needs to find a way to retire their current pope and replace him with a man of faith, courage and honesty who can lead the Church out of the morass it has trapped itself in.

  2. “Within hours we were being pressured from all sides”

    No. Only one side was pressuring you: The SJW side, which includes the nevertrump cucks. Don’t try to make this a “Both sides are at fault” bullshit narrative.

  3. Here is the alpha and the omega of the situation:

    He was using those innocent kids to virtue signal and that is not something that can be tolerated. Period. Full stop.

    Furthermore, the line between volunteer and victim was not even visible from where he stood when he made that proclamation.

    Duplicity such as evidenced by this followup statement goes to a question of character and such a lack of honesty disqualifies him from any professional respect in the future.

    He must offer to step down and let the chips fall where they may… or be removed from the bishopric. There is no other option available.

    The penance must fit the crime if he is to be rehabilitated or the whole thing is a sham.

    If The Church allows innocents to be thrown under the bus it loses legitimacy.

    Blame shifting just doesn’t have any place here. T exacerbated the the transgression.

  4. Blame shifting just doesn’t have any place here. The attempt exacerbated the the transgression exponentially. It shows this to be a pattern and the Bishop needs to go back to square one in his priestly formation and start over or GTFO entirely.

  5. So basically Bishop Foy, you have no standards, no mental will to find out the facts, and can be forced into doing anything anyone wants you to do. Is that correct?

    You possibly put children of your church in peril with your actions.

    But you being a Catholic leader, we know that putting children in peril is old hat for you.

    How about this? I want you to make a statement, it seems like you will do it because I want it. Why don’t you start renouncing all of the child rapists in your church publicly? That is a known fact, and not something you will have to backtrack on.

    If you don’t feel like doing that, then it is time to retire and find a retirement home that you can’t leave, because you sir, bring absolutely nothing to society.

  6. He can’t write a letter and then *Vegas Hands* his involvement in this fiasco! No. The lawgroup needs to call his ass up as a court witness or something. He can’t be let off that easy. The boys went to HIS SCHOOL. And by talking that shit, he threw more crap on the kid and made it worse. You have to know by now that the ‘tards were thinking if the Bishop agrees with them, the boy/boys MUST be in the wrong.

  7. This is different in degree, but not different in kind from those “priests” who use kids for sexual gratification.

    It is that serious. Particularly the followup statement, he had plenty of time to prepare a well thought out statement and as such there can be no doubt where his mind is or where his loyalties lie.

    One wonders who among his fellow Bishops were advising and counseling him as this was concocted. Actually we already have a pretty good idea, it was the usual suspects.

  8. “…All this was based again on a video.”

    Oh, look- they dusted off the ‘rice-aroni’ defense. Don’t remember that? That is OK with them, too.
    That is not an apology. It is a shifting of blame, not an admission, and certainly not an apology. He says he was bullied into his original position, then he was bullied into this. He has no moral compass. How is he to guide the faithful? He is driven by political correctness, whether correct or not, rather than faith.
    I bet you can hear the jingling of silver in his pockets when he walks by. He likes that sound, and doesn’t want to lose it in a lawsuit.

  9. willysgoatgruff — If we’re talking Tanya Harding, yes. There are all kinds of “hands” that are laughable because of their exaggeration. But for some reason I think you have to have the perfect situation for the right example to come to you. MJA’s “Vegas hands” conjured the exact right image/sentiment of that Covington priest’s non-apology.

    And I’m still laughing about “Vegas hands”!! LOL!

  10. The Church must stand apart from “worldly” influence or it has no legitimacy. To suggest, or admit, that he was just following the zeitgeist is an admission that he isn’t fit to serve in a leadership roll in The Church and to allow him to remain in a position in which those clergy and lay leaders below him must obey him isn’t an option… Unless or until he has been through an exhaustive and legitimate rehabilitative process. It simply cannot be any other way.

  11. Question 1: Did you speak to even a single adult who was on that trip PRIOR to issuing your statement threatening expulsion?

    Question 2: If not, why would you issue any statement in support of or condemning an event you did not see with your own eyes?

    Question 3: Once it had been made absolutely clear that your school children did no wrong a few hours after the initial claims, why did it take you five ADDITIONAL days to apologize for your over the top condemnation?

  12. BTW, an apology does not absolve you of the crime, so says all the judges.
    “I’m very sorry, your Honor, that the shopkeeper was killed while I was robbing the place and used a gun.”

  13. “At least he apologized, that’s more than most have done.”

    Maybe so, but he knows “You can’t UN-RING a bell.”

    Perhaps a healthy hit of his own personal stash would make him think the next time.

  14. @ Moe tom January 26, 2019 at 3:10 pm

    I have supported them since way back when they were Real Catholic TV.

    Quote from the link posted above (just a taste, the rest of the video is even better):

    Now, this year’s Roe v. Wade anniversary brings into sharp focus just how blind the U.S. bishops have become when it comes to politics.

    “Two events happened: One, Cuomo signing the bill into law; and the Friday before, the now famous Covington standoff with the old drum-pounding Indian who had, according to more recent reports, actually tried to disrupt a Catholic Mass earlier. How the bishops, the U.S. hierarchy, responded to each incident tells you everything you need to know about the state of the leadership.”

  15. Another taste:

    The decades of manipulation by Marxist clergy in their ranks; the flood of homosexual men into the clergy and all its attendant miseries; the near acceptance of abortion as just part of the landscape.

    As a point on that note, each year, the U.S. bishops take up 11 national collections — 11. They’ve done this for decades. And yet never, not once, never have they ever taken up a pro-life collection to assist the cause of hundreds of thousands of committed Catholics fighting this monstrous evil — not once. Let that sink in — not once.


    Cuomo needs to be excommunicated. Multiple bishops need to actually apologize for siding against the Covington kids. The gays in their ranks need to be laicized. And the Church needs to be restored without them in it as bishops.

    They brought revolution to the Church in the 1960–1990s. And this current crop is maintaining the revolution and even advancing it — time for a counter-revolution.

    Our Blessed Lord will not allow this to go on. He is bringing an end to it. The bishops may enjoy dancing with the devil. The Lord of Heaven and Earth is about to bring the music to a screeching halt.

  16. F4UCorsair — Pretty sure what MJA meant was the hand signal the dealer gives whenever they leave the table — they clap their hands and (usually) show the fronts and backs of their hands to show they aren’t taking anything away from the table with them.

    Bishop Foys of the Covington school shouldn’t be allowed to simply “wash his hands” of his libelous remarks. He’s done damage to his students and their families.

    Skip to about 1:40:

    Another great example of “Vegas Hands” was used by the prosecutor to the jury in the film “My Cousin Vinny”, when he’s drawing a comparison of evidence:

  17. NO F4UCorsair…..those two broads might be fucking with you…..they are evil, sort of, and funny as hell. Now, they have conspired something about hand movement….BEWARE….BE very Ware…

  18. Bullies get blamed for everything these days. They are victimized all the time. Bullies should be a protected minority class. If not, we’ll end up with a holocaust….bullies will be rounded up and sent to camps….forced to wear a yellow B on their prison uniforms….you know what will happen after that. They’ll round me up too. When I was 15, I beat up a kindergarten kid, just for the heck of it. It was a long time ago. Please don’t send me to a concentration camp.

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