Breast Ironing Comes To The UK – IOTW Report

Breast Ironing Comes To The UK

A reasonable person might think that genital mutilation was enough punishment for being born female in a backwards cultural group.
But no, they’ve also brought the practice of “Breast Ironing” with them to Great Britain and it’s as painful and useless as you could image. Here

19 Comments on Breast Ironing Comes To The UK

  1. “So far, no official government study on the number of girls affected has been undertaken, and British police said they have handled no allegations of breast ironing.”

    Of course they said that. To even mention this is “islamaphobic”.

  2. Notice the common factor between this retarded wickedness, and cutting out clitori, and the burka: they all consider the natural, God-designed sexual attractiveness of women a major problem and the source of sin in men. The main purpose of these practices is to excuse the insatiable lust of men, who are considered relatively blameless even if they rape women…it was, after all, the woman’s fault she let herself be so attractive, and in so doing SHE enticed and even overpowered the MAN.

    So she gets stoned or hanged while the man walks free.

    Islam is not the only lifeless system of religious formalism on earth, not by a long shot. Christendom is mostly comprised of it. But Islam is particularly evil in that it does nothing to address the lust of men. It really doesn’t even try; lip service at best. In reality, it just blames and punishes the women for being women.

    It is devilish to is core but the judgment of its adherents will be a wonder to behold.

  3. It looks like the belief of “no sex before a fight” extends to spreading Islam.

    The goal of Islam is to conquer and subdue all other cultures and races to the will of Allah. In order for that to happen, Islam’s “soldiers” need to be motivated to go out and conquer. But if those soldiers are satisfied where they are, they won’t be.

    By demanding that Islamic women adhere to the practice of self-mutilation, Islamic men will find them less attractive and become more motivated to seek out non-Muslim (unmutilated) women, thus spreading Islam’s reach beyond the Middle East.

  4. Grool wrote:
    “Islam is not the only lifeless system of religious formalism on earth, not by a long shot. Christendom is mostly comprised of it.”

    So, Christianity also practices these horrific acts on women?

  5. TonyR,

    Thank you for requesting clarification.

    Like most religions, Islam is at its core all about behavior modification. Because it is, also like most religions it’s all about externals — as long as you SAY the right things, and BEHAVE the right way (or don’t get caught behaving the wrong way), you will be considered righteous because you make the religion look good.

    The majority of Christendom has been overtaken by the same kind of external formalism for centuries — as long as you LOOK and SAY the right things, OBEY all the church-commanded rituals, BEHAVE the way the ecclesiarchy tells you to, and keep DOING all of their commanded works whenever they tell you to, they’ll reward you by saying you’re right with God…but only as long as you keep walking the line. They’ll do this even when (as most do) that church preaches a damanably false gospel that will do nothing but send to Hell any soul that believes it.

    That is the ONLY point where I draw a connection between Mohammedanism and Christendom, because on the point of religious formalism and externalism, they are identical. The motivation is the same. Only the details differ.

    But Islam goes far beyond that in excusing male lust by blaming and torturing women. So a man can LOOK and SOUND and BEHAVE (externally) like a good Muslim even while he butchers and rapes women, and will be considered a holy man worthy of paradise.

    Now, IF any sect of Christendom does anything similar (punishing women for being women), it’s still evil and wicked. It is nowhere NEAR to the same degree as what Mohammedans do, but just as damnable.

    That clear it up?

  6. @grool

    Very well put. I apologize for not understanding your original comment. I agree with your assessment of those who claim to be “Christians” or the “church”.

    Would you agree that true Biblical Christianity is nothing like what Islam is or what some people might do/say when they claim they are Christian?


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