Poll: Pelosi Approval Rating Plummets – IOTW Report

Poll: Pelosi Approval Rating Plummets

DC: A new poll by NBC News/Wall Street Journal shows a plummeting approval rate for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi’s approval rate dropped by six points during the 35-day government shutdown, as 47 percent of Americans surveyed rated Pelosi as “very negative,” while only 28 percent rated her favorably.

President Donald Trump’s ratings remain relatively unchanged, with 43 percent of Americans approving of his job performance and and 54 percent disapproving. Trump’s rating is down only 3 percent since November, according to the Wall Street Journal. His 43 percent approval rating is the same as it was in December, 10 days before the start of the government shutdown.

The number of those who “strongly approve” of the job Trump is doing increased to 29 percent, up two percent from December. Trump’s overall disapproval rating was recorded at 54 percent. The four-day long poll ended on Jan. 23.

The latest Rasmussen poll found that while the majority of voters blamed Trump for the shutdown, 40 percent said the congressional Democrats are more to blame.  more

13 Comments on Poll: Pelosi Approval Rating Plummets

  1. The fact that even a single American supports Pelosi is a serious indictment of our educational system, the intelligence of our citizens, and the perspicacity of the “common man.”

    She is so obviously a liar, a thief, a treasonous corrupt politician, that even the dullest denizen of the dumpster should be aware.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Back when a literacy test was mandatory before voting there was a very good reason why.
    Now days the total numbers accrued from elections are polluted with fraud, chaff and multiple individual castings. Too many are fighting any efforts to clean it up.

  3. It doesn’t matter what anyone outside of her district thinks about her. Electing her gives them a chance to stick their collective finger in the eye of the rest of America. Think Sheila Jackson-Lee, Frederica Wilson, or Jerry Connolly: Clowns all, but they have the D, so they get the votes. There’s a reason we didn’t originally have universal suffrage!

  4. It’s funny how the same people who complained that “the 1% have too much power and control” a few years ago don’t seem to notice that this tyrannical Congresswoman – elected by much less than 1% of the nation – single-handedly shut down 25% of the federal government.

  5. Expect her to continue her wicked ways until she’s prosecuted, or dead and gone.

    The media won’t do it, but her net worth should be publicized so her imbecilic supporters can own that.

  6. Her approval rating among the general population is of no importance.

    Her approval rating among the voters in her district is, and even more so her approval rating among the Democrat hierarchy in the House that elected her as their Congressional leader.


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