Occasional- Cortex: “women’s rage is a very potent political force” – IOTW Report

Occasional- Cortex: “women’s rage is a very potent political force”

Says the woman who Bernie Sanders uses as a sock puppet.


Breitbart: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wants Democrats running for president in 2020 to embrace “the power of identity,” adding that “women’s rage is a very potent political force.”

On The Intercept’s “Deconstructed” podcast on Monday, the Democratic-Socialist said that though she hates the horse race, she feels that “oftentimes, policy and progressivism gets pitted against identity in a lot of different ways. And it just, like, makes a mess.”

She said Democrats should “not ignore the power of identity” and mentioned that when she started her insurgent campaign against incumbent white Democrat Joe Crowley (D-NY), she had a “strong progressive base and coalition, but that alone was not enough to take” her over the top.

She implied that her campaign got more traction when she put identity politics front and center, saying that she “leaned in on this broader message and crafted this progressive message that was rooted” in her life story to attract a “wider electorate.”

“Don’t ignore the power of identity because it is very powerful, especially for women,” she said, citing Rebecca Traister. “Women’s rage is a very potent political force and it changes things on the right and on the left.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who is backing the left-wing Justice Democrats’s movement to primary Democrats who are “demographically and ideologically out-of-touch with their districts,” then talked about people of color understanding “racism” and “colonialism” through “lived experience.”  MORE


35 Comments on Occasional- Cortex: “women’s rage is a very potent political force”

  1. A coinkydink: Just got this email about 30 seconds ago:

    I want to make sure you know about the Road to CPAC webinar I will host tomorrow.

    Have you noticed that people seem to be on a hair trigger? From one controversy to the next, there’s no closure, just protests and public outrage.

    Every day, false narratives are pushed and before anyone can talk about what really happened, the public moves onto a different outrage.

    In this webinar, I will lead an expert panel that includes White House Correspondent for Daily Caller Amber Athey; author and Florida activist Jason Hoyt; a documentarian who went undercover with Antifa; and the Outreach Director for the Freedom Foundation, Matthew Hayward to discuss what fuels the outrage culture andlay out strategies you can use to bring back civility.

    – What: Road to CPAC: “Hey Alexa, What Should I be Angry about Today?”

    – When: Wednesday, January 30 from 2pm to 3:30pm Eastern Standard Time

    – Where: Online in the Leadership Institute’s online classroom

    – How to register: You can sign up for Free.
    Register for the webinar
    Can’t wait to see you there!


    Dena Espenscheid
    Director of Grassroots Coalitions
    Leadership Institute
    703-647-3559 (o)

  2. What she doesn’t understand is 52% of us white women took out our rage over the purposeful destruction of this country as founded and voted for Trump. I haven’t met any woman in this category that is thinking any differently today.

  3. There’s rumblings that the DNC is wanting to primary her ass already.

    Hasn’t even been there a month and she’s pissed off/pissed on just about everybody.

    Bless your heart, honey. Keep showing your ignorance and the peeps will learn to love you.

  4. She’s a racist man-hater with the IQ of a pinto bean. She might want to look into the past thousand years of white male history and consider if she really wants to piss us off.

  5. “Don’t ignore the power of identity because it is very powerful,…”

    And don’t ignore, you ignorant cunt, the rule of law is designed to be blind to identity. What you are is not supposed to signify in our country. Toilet scrubber, Wall Street Tycoon, assembly line worker, housewife, single father of three.

    Your artificially assigned and bogus relevance “identity” should not mean jack shit. Today it does. And our nation suffers and withers because of that. Fuck off you ignorant plague, you darling of the media. No wonder they love you.

  6. “Right now, women are only dominating in education, family courts, publishing, human resources, nursing, higher-ed, law, public relations, corporate management and real estate sales. It’s not enough. And all of those fields that we dominate are rapidly deteriorating too, since we’ve replaced men, but they are not deteriorating quickly enough”

    Alexandra Ocasiionvvaillahajarellio Cortuvizelliamiojalaraquilloteveria

  7. I don’t twit, but can you imagine the “women’s rage” we could stir up if somebody could make this rejoinder go viral and the #PrettyLittleHead tag trend?

    Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, darlin’. That’s men’s work.”
    @AOC #PrettyLittleHead

  8. ** women are only dominating **

    Yeah…and who has to kill the spiders, change light bulbs, un-plug the toilet, change the tire, build the house and roads, design the planes, build the ships, kill the enemy, fly to the moon, go to the depths of the oceans, catch the fish, drill for oil, refine oil, deliver the products, excel in the contact sports, cut the trees, chop the wood?

    Alex…kill your own fucking spiders.

  9. @Bongo – “bate”?? Is that Spanglish?
    I thought it was murciélago.

    Ella es loca como mierda del murciélago.

    Her NPCs need to make it official and set up a church:
    La Iglesia de Nuestra Señorita la Sagrada Tarada.

    “Tarada” is Argentine Spanish/Castellano for a feminine “retard”

  10. Says the woman who Bernie Sanders uses as the illiterate uneducated sock puppet she is.
    If only Bernie and Hilary would complete f^ucking each of their greedy worthless asses to death,,,
    instead of the rest of us.

  11. True, the coordinated hysteria of tens of millions of raging, stupid ass fucking people who don’t really understand how a goddamn thing works is a powerful political tool… that never does them nor anyone else in their political class a damn bit of good.

  12. The Old Guard Dems may get so sick of her that they might primary her…yes even in the Bronx/Queens district that was gerry mander’d for her and types like her, leftists.

    Look at the district mapping and history.

  13. Wait until little aoc pisses off all the real men in this country and they go full muslim retard on her skanky ass and mutilate her genitals, if they can find them, that should really show how much rage she can have, just before she is honor arkancided for destroying the democrap/socialist/communist party, no, wait a minute…….what????

  14. @Uncle Al January 29, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    > Don’t look now, darlin’, but you’re underestimating the power of heterosexual male rage.

    Pfft. Breeder horn dogs give everybody a pussy pass.

    (I am waiting, with antici…pation, for things to go off. The gender normative, voluntarily celibate, males are gonna’ make the fundamentalist imams cringe.)

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