Big Freeze Causing Natural Gas Shortage – IOTW Report

Big Freeze Causing Natural Gas Shortage

The Big Three automakers have temporarily halted production in plants in Michigan due to the need to conserve natural gas during the ongoing polar plunge affecting the Great Lake States. More

Xcel Energy in Minnesota is asking customers to turn their thermostats down to 63 to help them prevent running out of natural gas to their 460,000 customers. “About 150 homes in the Princeton area, about an hour north of Minneapolis, lost natural gas service about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. In response, Xcel asked about 12,000 customers in nearby Becker, Big Lake, Chisago City, Lindstrom, Princeton and Isanti to turn down their thermostats to 60.” More

26 Comments on Big Freeze Causing Natural Gas Shortage

  1. Diversity is our strength except when it comes to allowing more than one consistent energy source to survive some inclement weather.

    Oh, well. Let them eat snow cones.

  2. I keep my thermostat at 69….68 when I turn in with the three dogs.The furnace seems to really like when the sun sets on my western facing house…..How do it know?….

  3. *** Breaking News ***

    (AP) Minnesota passed a new law today regulating the amount of heat that residents can apply to their homes and businesses:

    “It shall be unlawful to maintain a temperature difference (aka ‘delta-T’) in winter of more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit between the interior and exterior of any building.”

    So this morning in northern Minnesota, a typical inside temperature would be a nice, cozy 15F!! Do your part to prevent Global Warming, citizens!

  4. I live in Saskatchewan, which is the province north of Montana and North Dakota. Welcome to my world in winter – I keep my thermostat at 68F and put an extra sweater on, especially when I go to bed. Have your home well-insulated (also keeps it cooler in the hot summers we have)and with good doors and windows. Also keep your home well-maintained. Based on what I learned in Grade 6 geography, the world is now in a 30 year global cooling period. It will be like this or get worse for future winters. As GoT says, “Winter is coming”

  5. I keep mine at 66. Drives the son that came out here when Jim went on hospice insane. He was born and raised in the Vancouver, WA area and lived in the bay area the last few years. He’s heading out come spring.

  6. Tip posted elsewhere: Be sure that lowering your indoor temperature won’t make your unheated areas pipes freeze. Also in the 1970s there was a fake gas shortage that required rationing. Turned out it was an absolute fraud carried out by the oil companies. Any claimed natural gas shortage is quite likely another fraud being perpetrated to make vulnerable people suffer, and possibly die. Have to keep in mind that the ultimate Communist goal is to do just that. I realize that most Americans probably can’t even consider the possibility that this country has a government that willfully hates its own people. That is called blind trust. (But this same “trusted” government is in the legalized process of killing babies.)

  7. “Any claimed natural gas shortage is quite likely another fraud being perpetrated to make vulnerable people suffer, and possibly die.”

    It’s not a shortage of gas. These are localized distribution problems. Which will likely become more common with NIMBY’s and BANNANA’s getting more traction in the courts when a utility needs to install additional capacity.

    I don’t have a problem when a group of people decide to block construction of a pipeline or power line, of a water line. But if they succeed in stopping that expansion, I would like to see them and their entire neighborhood removed from whatever utility they stopped. If you won’t allow expansion to deliver what’s required, you don’t get to use it.

    Sound fair?


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