California: Bay Area Restaurant Bans MAGA Hats – IOTW Report

California: Bay Area Restaurant Bans MAGA Hats

DC: A restaurant in California will no longer be serving any patrons wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

“If you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, chef-partner of Wursthall, wrote in a now-deleted Tweet.

The Chronicle referenced two separate tweets by the chef of the San Mateo, California restaurant, which have since been deleted.

“MAGA hats are like white hoods except stupider because you can see exactly who is wearing them,” another tweet by Lopez-Alt reportedly said.

The chef also made it clear that he would refuse service to any members of the Trump administration and, in another tweet, compared MAGA hats to hate symbols like white hoods and swastikas.  more here


7 Comments on California: Bay Area Restaurant Bans MAGA Hats

  1. Doesn’t CA have that commission like OR that forbids not baking cakes for Fags, and shit like that?

    Someone with a MAGA hat should go in, not be served, and sue the shit out of them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I read the ‘apology’. Thank you for expressing your hatred of MAGA hat wearing individuals. Now we know your establishment is one to avoid like the bubonic plague.
    If that’s a franchise, I’ll avoid it everywhere.

  3. A group should go in, occupy all the seats in the place, then put on MAGA hats and just stay until served. And when they get service, start sending back all of the meals for all of the “extra” ingredients that are sure to be added to the food.


    this is miles from Frisco. My grandparents lived there from ’40 to ’75. My son has a 8 digit house there with a view of 2 bays, depending on if you look East or South West – Friso or Half Moon.

    Folks there are rich libs like Bush + Obama – no shit on deck ANYWHERE!
    the shit – there has been lots of it for a decade – is in the welfare areas of Frisco; miles away.
    Limo libs live in San Mateo no carpenters! No poor folk! NO SHIT! It is no San Fran!


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