Muslim Congresswoman Proposes Taxing Earnings Over 300k at 90% – IOTW Report

Muslim Congresswoman Proposes Taxing Earnings Over 300k at 90%

“They have to pay their fair share.”

“Fair” will not be achieved until everyone is equally lower-middle class and the government controls all the wealth.


Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) proposed an extreme tax rate on America’s top earners on Tuesday, suggesting that they pay up to “90 percent” in order to pay for the multi-trillion dollar programs that Democrats want.

Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) proposed an extreme tax rate on America’s top earners on Tuesday, suggesting that they pay up to “90 percent” in order to pay for the multi-trillion dollar programs that Democrats want.


40 Comments on Muslim Congresswoman Proposes Taxing Earnings Over 300k at 90%

  1. …actually, in Islam, Islam IS the Government.

    Your Caliph will decide what you get, and what you will do. Shut up, sit down, and let those that they tell you A!!ah picked manage your entire life Koranically.

    …make no mistake, this chick’s just there to piss in the soup and bring the Constitutional system down. That way, they can replace it with Shari’a, as Mohammad DEMANDS.

    Ironic that, after all the years of Democrats accusing CHRISTIANS of trying to rule them theocratically that they jump into the arms of people that will ACTUALLY rule them theocratically. It would actually be funny if it were JUST them they would rule, but the Democrats actually want to hand US over FIRST. They probably think that they can use US to pay them like good little dhimmis and that they will be left alone to commit their deviancy free of us annoying conservatives.

    Guess the Koran is something ELSE they haven’t read, or they’d know better, but they never made it past the suras that say pedophilia is OK, so it’s gonna be a bit of a surprise for them when they get thrown off that roof…

  2. That pretty much kills any incentive to work hard and achieve something more once you’ve reached that 300K mark.

    Which most likely means it well mean lower tax revenue after it starts since there won’t be very many people paying the higher rate or even the amount of tax they pay now because they just quit earning at 300K since there is little reason to do so.

    Not that I’d expect a leftist to understand that (working hard to achieve more and earn more as a result).

  3. “Why is she allowed to speak in public?
    Doesn’t the Koran have some injunction against that?”

    The Koran says they can tell ANY lie that advances the cause of Islam, @Tim. That INCLUDES the lie about women having standing and respect IN Islam. They’re just letting her do it because it helps convice the White liberal Dhimmi girls that they’ll still be treated like humans when Mohammad takes over.

    Taqiyya is lying to advance Islam.

    Kitman is omitting things, like legalized wife murder, also to advance the cause of Islam.

    Both are REQUIRED by Mohammad.

    …and that’s why you can NEVER trust them, NEVER believe them, and NEVER think they have this Countys best interests at heart, if they tell you they DO, they’re either bad Muslims or good liars…

  4. “Her IQ must be inversely portional to the astonishing tax rate.”

    …probably, @extirpates, due to all the inbreeding in Muslim lands, it’s NOT a great way to get geniuses…

    “Of 11 396 babies for whom questionnaire data were available, 386 (3%) had a congenital anomaly. Rates for congenital anomaly were 305·74 per 10 000 livebirths, compared with a national rate of 165·90 per 10 000. The risk was greater for mothers of Pakistani origin than for those of white British origin (univariate RR 1·96, 95% CI 1·56–2·46). Overall, 2013 (18%) babies were the offspring of first-cousin unions. These babies were mainly of Pakistani origin—1922 (37%) of 5127 babies of Pakistani origin had parents in first-cousin unions. Consanguinity was associated with a doubling of risk for congenital anomaly…”

  5. Rage on Sister, stick it to ‘the man’
    People making 300k have the means to employ tax lawyers. You won’t see much of the wealth of others you dream of.
    When your government job leads you up over that amount due to graft and corruption you will hire those same lawyers so your lifestyle can continue

  6. What’s so magical about $300,000?

    Let’s make it … say … $100,000!
    And why 90%? Let’s make it 95%!

    This way it’ll include all CongressMaggots! And SES!

    Republicans are missing a bet by not upping the ante.
    The maggots will scurry as fast as cockroaches when the kitchen light’s turned on.
    90% of $100,000 to $299,999.99 and 95% over $300,000.
    Fuck em! Make em shit or get off the pot.

    0% up to $99,999.99

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Charge Muslims a 95% tax on all earning over one dollar and tax all governmental assistance they receive at 100% (including her government salary and benefits)!

  8. I am totally starting to be okay with this. It means when added to my husbands income, the income we make from my small Sub S Corp will be taxed at more than I actually take home, so I can retire early and live off my husband as nature not feminists intended. I will have to let go my 20 employees, they can all try it on their own since we will leave clients behind, unless they all have to shutdown too. I’ll also have to let go my housekeeper and the lawn care company, but I’ll have the time to take care of it myself. I can ditch the health club memberships. We can stop getting take out and going out to eat because I’ll have more time to cook. I am sure the government can take care of all the people the upper middle class help to employ better than what we spend in services so they can have jobs. Now, I am actually getting excited. None of my kids chose engineering as a career, so what’s the point of working anymore to grow my small business anyways. Socialism is sweet!

  9. G’head, tax the livin’ shit out of ’em. Too bad this dumb ass inbred dizzy bitch doesn’t realize the majority of America’s wealthy and super wealthy are DEMOCRATS!

  10. This is all about taking down the United States by destroying the financial underpinnings of the nation. I never worked for a poor man. This makes everybody poor and nobody works! It is legalized theft, but the real theft starts after the country is well down the road to failure when the Communist Left comes in and grabs everything in sight committing the planet’s biggest robbery! It’s just how they roll!

  11. So I’m going to work a 300K job for 30K?>>

    No, it’d be a $400k job for $310k.
    The 90% would be anything over 300k.. for now.

    But it still wouldn’t be $310k. The $310k would be taxed at every other stop on the progressive tax journey.

    A 400K job, without goodly deductions and exemptions, would probably end up being about 200k.

  12. I like this idea. When I was working 80+ hours a week it would have forced me to take the last 4 months of the year off to avoid paying 90%. We need to bring back the word retard so we can better describe democRATS.

  13. Hey dumbass, very carefully read “Atlas Shrugged” (or listen to an audiobook if that’s out of the question) and get back to me.
    Liberals think everyone is as stupid and shortsighted as they are, and that assumption can really piss you off sometimes.

  14. This is why the income tax needs to be abolished. It is NOBODY’S f*cking business what anybody else makes. The politics of ENVY have to stop. Replace it with a national sales tax. You want to buy a Ferrari instead of a Kia, fine, but it’ll cost you–the same percentage as if you bought the Kia, but since the Ferrari has a larger sticker, it will cost you more dollars.

  15. Anybody who thinks they won’t vote for something because it would also include themselves has apparently forgotten that they specifically exempt themselves from the rules they push on the little people they rule over. Insider trading ring a bell? How about Obamacare?


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