Ralph KKK. Northam’s Anti-Ed Gillespie Political Ad Depicted the Right in a Pickup Truck Mowing Down Minorities – IOTW Report

Ralph KKK. Northam’s Anti-Ed Gillespie Political Ad Depicted the Right in a Pickup Truck Mowing Down Minorities

These $hitstains are just going to apologize and move on?

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

16 Comments on Ralph KKK. Northam’s Anti-Ed Gillespie Political Ad Depicted the Right in a Pickup Truck Mowing Down Minorities

  1. “Other than that, They ain’t nothin but good old Boys!”

    Well Them old David Duke Boys are in trouble again …And

    Hazzard County Sheriff isn’t hot on Their trail…Boss Byrd and His

    lovable sidekick Hillary (drunker than Cooter Brown) will make

    sure all of this gets swept under the Hood…I mean rug.

  2. We cannot let this one slide. Remember Alinsky’s rules for radicals:
    “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
    “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”
    “Keep the pressure on”

    Dressing like in that photo would not be a solitary prejudiced act. To be motivated to do such a thing, even in jest, indicates a deep seated belief. I saw someplace else where he refused to shake the hand of a black political rival during a debate. Other people MUST have more info, such is things he did and said privately during his college and med school years.

  3. Wow. I’ve never seen this add before. So the old shitty America, and it’s fxcked up white people are a real problem. I guess that’s why he want’s to kill (white) babies. Are we officially at war yet?

  4. Megyn Kelly lost her job for merely commenting about Blackface. Queue Quomo and Lemon to tell us how it has never been appropriate to dress in Blackface.


    CNN probably has a panel of Alinskyites on right now excusing the governor and explaining the nuance of what he did. And, yes, we’re at war.

  5. I didn’t vote for him but he shouldn’t resign. Jesus, enough already. No one called for him to resign when he defended infanticide earlier this week but im supposed to be outraged at a 35 year old photo of him in black face? No one ever has taken an assinine action in the past? He is now a lame duck and marginalized and for the Rs in the General Assembly that is the best they can hope for.The LT Gov is just as liberal as he.

  6. The KKK is alive and well

    It LIVES in the Demonrat party

    You ain’t seen nothing yet


    Running with the Devil in liberal coats

    Generals of the DNC.
    You are on notice.

  7. I’ve changed my mind about Northam. Rather than drumming him from office we should make him the face of the democrat party. Baby killing, make them babies comfortable before capn blackface severs their spinal cord. Afterward they’re comfortable. Which means the infant also knows pain.

    We’re well beyond 3 month tissue masses.

    It’s war. Northam should be the face of the democrat party and they not only participate in obvious murder. They celebrate murder.


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