Smollett Attackers Found! – IOTW Report

Smollett Attackers Found!

20 Comments on Smollett Attackers Found!

  1. I’ll say that these Chicago Police put a lot more effort and got a hell of a lot more tv coverage in this pissass investigation, than the Benghazi tragedy investigation, when four Americans were murdered, and the events lied about by our President, SeceRATery of
    State and the phucking media. Fugetaboutit. We’re in deep shit.

  2. Meanwhile back to what really did happen. 3 of Smollett’s color kin did their own usual blackface performance:
    A white enlisted member of the Air Force (Austin Burroughs) was gunned down in front of his wife by three blacks out with “the sole purpose of robbing people at gunpoint.”

  3. Would not put it past a compromised faction of the Chicago PD to make a deal with two hoodrat smucks with extensive criminal records to take the fall for this “crime”.
    They probably will agree to become the non-existing attackers (for some kind of favor) to turn a boldfaced lie into reality.
    The leftist media will believe and report the scenario as truth. Smollett is a gay, leftist activist who must be believed for his like minded Trump hating cohorts to perpetuate their agenda.

  4. Do we know if he was in black face or the pointy hat.
    Not that it matters. At the time he had the photo taken it was a different time in our country.
    But,because he is a cheer leader for the left and all they have condemned,hang him out to dry.

  5. It’s phucking unbeliebable, the attention this mother flucker gets.
    We are in deep shit my friends. I hear the Super Bowl commercials are mostly gay. I will watch the play on mute, skip the half time show, and hope my numbers are winners. Go Patriots. MAGA!
    Patriots 42 Rams 37.

  6. Patriots 42 Rams 37.

    Rams win no matter to prove the bad call was no big deal. THE nfl IS CROOKED and sucks. Will I watch it. Oh hell yea. After boycotting for two years, I’m watching this one. And then, Daytona. Hell yea.

  7. The incident will fade away but leftists will remember it like this: our brother, Jussie, a black gay man was assaulted by two white racists who beat him and were ready to lynch him, but Jussie fought back and the cowards ran away, scared.

  8. @Jellybean

    I think that’s the two perps also. See the way they walk? See the way their shadows fall? The bulge on the side of their pants….a rope and as bottle of bleach. Yep, white racists. I have a strong feeling, from the photo, that those two are rabid Trump supporters. Why, you can clearly see the MAGA hats they’re wearing. I’m with his co-star Ana Paquin, who said “I am fucking outraged”.

    Me too, Ana, just fucking outraged.

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