Is Howard Schultz having second thoughts about running for president? – IOTW Report

Is Howard Schultz having second thoughts about running for president?

Fox Business is reporting that potential independent presidential candidate Howard Schultz has told advisors that he was shocked by the near hysterical backlash from Democrats to the news that he may run in 2020 and that he was having second thoughts about entering the race.

Wishful thinking on the part of Democrats or anti-Trump Republicans? No advisors to Schultz are quoted directly in the story. Fox Business “learned” that Schultz told advisors of his second thoughts, which could mean they never even had direct contact with Schultz’s top advisors.

Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be surprising.

The reason for the rapid, and at times, nasty Democratic response is less about what Schultz stands for, and more about how he might impact the 2020 election: If he runs for president as an independent, Schultz is expected to draw votes from the Democratic nominee because of his progressive social positions, thus aiding Republican President Donald Trump’s re-election effort when the president suffers from chronically abysmal approval ratings.

Among Schultz’s most prominent critics has been fellow billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike BloombergOpens a New Window., himself a possible 2020 Democratic contender. Bloomberg, who also once considered an independent presidential bid, issued a statement that said if Schultz goes that route it will “just split the anti-Trump vote and end up re-electing the president.”  more here

13 Comments on Is Howard Schultz having second thoughts about running for president?

  1. “The anti-Trump vote”.

    I notice that they have nothing but negatives to offer, and none of them believe that they can win against even other Democrats by the strength of their arguments, the righteousness of their record, or the soundness of their policies. Just “Orange Man Bad”.

    So the strategy is to have only ONE person allowed to say “Orange Man Bad” to a national audience, and then they will be President because the LoFos have no other choice?

    …they’d best be calling in Mike Obama, if THAT’S all they have. If it comes down to identity politics, they need to check as many boxes as possible, and that’s the ONLY blacktranswomanmuslum out there that they can vilify the President for even DEBATING because it automatically makes him racisthomophobicsexistislamophobicsupercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and that’s the ONLY way they even have a CHANCE, by stopping everyone ELSE, including the President, from even SPEAKING…

    ….well, that, and vote fraud, but that comes LATER. They can’t afford another Hillary who’s SO bad that they have to throw out ALL the Republican votes, it needs to at LEAST have been POSSIBLE…

  2. The only thought that mattered is the one that makes him think the party he belongs to isn’t what it is.

    Cut everybody into neat little identities in a zero sum game against each other for finite resources held hostage by greedy white men like Howard Schultz who should be roused from their beds and executed in the street by the People’s Antifa Army.

  3. If Schultz is truly against issues like free college educations, free universal health care (including illegals) and massive tax increases on the rich that all the Dem candidates are touting as party policy then it’s all the more reason to enter the race and run hard. Yep, he may split the vote and Trump would get another term but that may just save the Democrat party by finally rousing the moderate wing into rousting out the left socialists that control the party now.


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