Dems, Liberal Groups Call on Northam to Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photo – IOTW Report

Dems, Liberal Groups Call on Northam to Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photo

Washington Free Beacon: Several Democratic lawmakers and liberal groups called on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) to resign on Friday after a racist yearbook photo of him surfaced.

The picture was on Northam’s 1984 medical school yearbook page and showed two individuals, one in blackface and the other in a Ku Klux Klan hood, standing next to each other.

Northam confirmed that he is one of the people in the photo and issued a statement apologizing for the “racist and offensive” costume.

Northam also said in his apology that his behavior back then does not reflect who he is today and the values for which he has fought throughout his “career in the military, in medicine, and in public service.”

“I recognize that it will take time and serious effort to heal the damage this conduct has caused,” he continued. “I am ready to do that important work. The first step is to offer my sincerest apology and to state my absolute commitment to living up to the expectations Virginians set for me when they elected me to be their Governor.”

While some Democrats are defending Northam, many others and Democratic groups are calling on him to resign from office, including Priorities USA, the Democratic super PAC, and, a large progressive activist group.

“I believe in personal forgiveness & public repentance. That is not the same as deserving the confidence bestowed in our elected officials,” tweeted Guy Cecil, the chairman of Priorities USA. “The picture was horrifying and deserves a clear response. Ralph Northam should resign.”  more

13 Comments on Dems, Liberal Groups Call on Northam to Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photo

  1. Imagine, having to choose over being in black face or a K3 hood?!!? ONLY 25 years ago…


    DTDS comes in and out in MANY forms…but the prick gov will remain in VA office can you effing believe what is GOING ON!

    Paging Roy Moore…and all those Russkie and Dem BOTS.


  2. His nickname also was “Coonman”.

    Shame on him for his hypocrisy in buying into the fake SJW crap of the Democrat party, the party of Jim Crow and the KKK, and for the race-baiting campaign he waged to become governor.

    Gotta say, though, I’m sick of hearing the media and educational system screeching about “racism”. Instead of obliterating it, a la MLKing, we’ve instead instituted systemic racism against white men and ginned up carrying on about fake hate crimes and things in the past. Time to drop all of it already, the identity politics, the affirmative action, the “cultural appropriation” nonsense, the idiocy of claiming that there is “racism” against “brown people”, the free passes given to hate speech by Muslims…

  3. No such thing as a “racist” photo.
    Pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.

    A photo has no volition. It does not make itself. And “racism” is completely in the mind of the beholder.

    That he’s a Demonrat restrains me from even commenting on his self-immolation, but, being a Demonrat doesn’t change the facts.

    I’m guessing it was all just some funny shit at the time – no “racist” intent – so to speak.
    And, as we all know from the HRC criminal enterprise; no intent, no crime.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The LT Gov would take over should Northam resign. He is also a liberal D. In VA govs serve one four year term and cannot run for consecutive terms. The House and Senate are held by Rs…barely. So if I were the Rs I would not call for him to resign. Let him continue as governor, isolated from his own party and the D agenda stops for a bit. The alternative is for him to resign and have the Lt Gov step in which will give him a boost in his 2021 election should he decide to run for Gov.

  5. Stirring the constant attacks of whites while ignoring the blizzard of criminal acts perpetrated by non whites is the democrat strategy that keeps them in office. They feed on the hatred directed at white people. Scum


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