This is a bad, bad few months for the racist democrats – IOTW Report

This is a bad, bad few months for the racist democrats

Joe Biden embraced segregation in 1975, claiming it was a matter of ‘black pride’.

Wash Exam-

Joe Biden, weighing a 2020 White House bid, once advocated continued school segregation in the United States, arguing that it benefited minorities and that integration would prevent black people from embracing “their own identity.”

Biden was speaking in 1975, when he opposed the federally mandated busing policy designed to end segregation in schools. In the past few decades, he has claimed he wanted desegregation but believed the policy of busing would not achieve it. Last year, he stated he had voted heroically to protect busing.

In 2008, after being chosen as Barack Obama’s vice-presidential running mate he said: “The struggle for civil rights was the animating political element of my life.” He appears poised to make his civil rights record a centerpiece of any campaign, telling an audience in Fort Lauderdale this week that “I came out of the civil rights movement. He added that he first became aware of what an “awful thing” segregation was as a third grader, when he asked his mother why a bus was taking black children to a school away from where they lived.

But 44 years ago, facing a backlash against busing from white voters, the future vice president voiced concerns not just about the policy of busing, which he had supported when first seeking election in 1972, but about the impact of desegregation on American society. He argued that segregation was good for blacks and was what they wanted.



“THEY’RE gonna put you back in chains.” – Joe Biden, trying to scare blacks about conservatives as he harbored racist beliefs.

9 Comments on This is a bad, bad few months for the racist democrats

  1. I forget, has Biden ever used the “Some of my best friends are African-Americans” schtick? They always use that one when they find themselves wrapped around their own mascot politics axle. It must be draining on the Left to have to be ever mindful of the victim pecking order.

  2. Biden is what democrats consider a charming and sophisticated human rights champion. They are easily given to support con men as they’ve demonstrated time after time.
    They never seem troubled by the mountain of contradictions.

  3. I never agreed with bussing either. Not for segregation reasons, but because it cost one hellova lot of money to rob 2 hours a day from the kids just so they could spend time with other kids they could never associate with and call friends once they went home in the afternoon!

  4. People with children make home buying decisions specifically for the schools. They stretch their pocketbooks and pay high property taxes to get their kids in good schools only to have social manipulators take it all.

  5. They still did ‘busing’ in CA back in the 80s. So stupid. They were busing in kids (All colors) from the San Fernando Valley into the LA basin. Everyone hated it. The bused-in kids left their homes around 5:30am and didn’t get back home until 5:30pm. No one explained why it had to be done. There were better schools in the Valley and it was a lot less violent. lol.
    The move overcrowded schools for no benefit.

  6. Jan. 31, 2007
    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
    In 2007, juking’ than, yeah he’s changed.

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