Northam – “I wasn’t in blackface in the yearbook, but I was in blackface at a dance contest” – IOTW Report

Northam – “I wasn’t in blackface in the yearbook, but I was in blackface at a dance contest”

He says he wore blackface as Michael Jackson at a dance contest.

Why would he wear blackface to dress up as Michael Jackson?

22 Comments on Northam – “I wasn’t in blackface in the yearbook, but I was in blackface at a dance contest”

  1. 1. It’s possible to enter a dance contest without being in blackface. Plenty of white people do it with just the jacket and highwater pants. Or no costume at all. Soooo why the blackface, gov?

    2. Yeah, he wasn’t in blackface in the yearbook photo because he was the guy in the klan suit.

    3. GTFO

  2. Oh noooo that’s not HIS picture, he was just holding it for a friend. lol!

    In the yearbook, he shared a page with a Vietnamese looking guy who had normal pictures. So did a white guy on the opposing page. So, no, it wasn’t a normal thing we did in that era. Obviously. So how are we supposed to believe that it wasn’t him in the photo when he just admitted he went as michael jackson in blackface? lol.

    In 1984, my white friends who dressed up as Mr. T or Michael Jackson, or Stevie Wonder(Don’t ask), didn’t go in blackface. Jus so ya know.

  3. joe6pak- Yeah, Libs have trouble when it comes to choosing the king of the victim pyramid. I don’t think they care that he was openly supporting killing babies but they are upset with him for fucking up and calling too much attention to it. Oh well. Dead babies don’t vote.

  4. Well THAT’S racism! Everyone KNOWS, Michael Jackson was a WHITE GIRL!!!


  5. Everyone is worried about the blackface nonsense and nobody gives a fiddler’s phuck about the infant who should be made comfortable after it exits the womb. Made comfortable, while we have a discussion on what the hell to do with it. You don’t even have to slap it in the ass to make it cry. That would be cruel, you know.
    Just have a nice discussion over a cup of coffee on how to proceed.
    Why, even flip a coin: Heads: it lives. Tails: it dies.
    God help us if this inhumanity isn’t stopped.
    Northam is a cold, Godless, lying son of a bitch.

    MJA / Joe6pak ditto.

  6. Leave him in office and let him be the black face of the democrat party. Lt Gov really is black and could potentially be gov for 7 years. He’s apparently a community organizer, not that there’s anything right with that.

    Ralphie, against all advice, you put your eye out. Thanks.

  7. If he was more clever, his defense could have been….I am 1/1024th black and so I can celebrate my blackness and white people can go to hell.

    Then go on the rubber chicken circuit to ‘splain hisself to various black groups in Virginia: Ah wasn’t born with no silver spoon in mah mouth…mah pappy and mah momma were sharecroppers who had nuthin more than a tar-paper shack and a old Ford. Chitlins n’ pork hocks every dinner, and nuthin fer breakfas’. And ah know, yes ah knoooowwww what racism is…cause ah’ve been on both sides now, ah been a victim of both black and white racism…an ah been a racist to black folks and then I almost got lynched once’t down near Lynchburg. So ah know, I knoooowwwww whut it’s lak to be a black man and a white man and whut it feels lak to get lynched. Yes, ah knoooowwww.

  8. He needed to don blackface to look like Michael Jackson? Talk about an “Off The Wall” explanation

    (Cause, like, “Off The Wall” was the last time Michael Jackson looked, you know … black)


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