President Trump Should Invite the Woman Sexually Harassed by a Kamala Harris Aide to the State of the Union – IOTW Report

President Trump Should Invite the Woman Sexually Harassed by a Kamala Harris Aide to the State of the Union

FPM: Is Senator Kamala Harris getting her money’s worth from all the political consultants she’s been paying.

Pro: They do keep planting lots of stories in the media touting her awesomeness

Con: The stories are really mediocre

Like this one, “Kamala Harris’ State of the Union guest will be a federal employee affected by shutdown, she says.”


6 Comments on President Trump Should Invite the Woman Sexually Harassed by a Kamala Harris Aide to the State of the Union

  1. Umm…that shutdown was so last month. We are now into suffocating born babies, fake hate crimes, and the history of the Democrats regarding racism.
    Did her guest get paid for her free vacation or not? And what the hell does the fact that this woman lost her house in a fire have ANYTHING to do with this? Didn’t she have home insurance? Bad timing is now the president’s fault? Cry me a river Kamala. This is blatent grandstanding… Boo hoo!

    Or perhaps they were living paycheck-to-paycheck and needed to create a camp fire in the living room to stay warm because her electric was shut off. I hope the insurance investigators look into this house fire. It seems suspicious to me. And my insurance is too damn high for never making a claim, ever.

  2. I’d like to see President Trump invite Adm. Mike Rogers, USN (Ret.). For those who have forgotten (shame on you!), he was the Director of the NSA who bypassed official channels to inform president-elect Trump that his offices in Trump Tower were bugged.

  3. Just a lowly fed govt employee? Like a fed employee who had a 35 day vacay and received backpay?

    No undocumented molecular scientist Dreamer? My, my, my, the Dreamers sure lost favor with the dems all of a sudden didn’t they?


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