Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You

An adopted woman tells Pelosi how thankful she is that her mother chose not to abort her, giving her up for adoption instead.

Pelosi’s response was to point out that her mother had a “choice” and she wants to make sure other women have that choice, completely missing the point that that woman would have been murdered had her mother not made the ETHICAL CHOICE.

See the maniac’s words HERE.


37 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You

  1. ….Per Nancy….”Show me your values, show me your budget”….Isn’t that what most Americans/humans do on a daily basis at the kitchen table without wanting to kill a living human being….She’s THE SPEAKER of the HOUSE…3rd in line to run the country….she wouldn’t last long….

  2. The very early days of my life were in an orphanage in NY, later my foster parents took great care of me, if Nancy the Nazi had been in charge, I’ve be in the sewer system bobin for turds. What a brain less jerk…

  3. From what I could understand she talked about poverty. They will skip the pretense of health, and start admitting that they advocate that if you’re poor you should abort?

    She’s no lady, but Nancy Pelosi should always wear red.

  4. Any man who drinks and drives has the right to choose whether he gets involved in an accident.

    Any kid who jumps out a window with a bedsheet tied to his neck because he thinks he’s Superman has the right to choose whether he breaks a limb.

    Any woman who engages in unprotected sex has the right to choose whether she has a baby.

    Now explain to me why the first two statements are ridiculous while the third one is not.

  5. The evil is up front and out there for all to see. She’s as ruthless as Himmler, with possibly less shame. How could such a great country as America produce such an atrocious murderous person as that?

  6. She’s passive aggressive and has bitchy dementia.

    The kind of bitch that would purposely drop a secret on the unsuspecting and then say, “Ohhh I thought you knew!” and then smirk.

  7. This is the first time I felt I would have stood there and slapped Pelosi for that horrid remark. Horrid, her and her words.

    Yes, in front of her gun-toting guards and the world.

    That women is not well.

  8. Seriously, what’s wrong with this woman? Even the Nazis tried to hide their butchery from the world. She revels in it. The only other people I’ve known who thought like this had been sexually abused by their parents.

  9. Let her keep yapping. We couldn’t do worse damage to the D’s, come 2020, than she is doing all by herself. And it’s not costing us a dime out of the RNC coffers.

  10. The lefties really have no control over their mouths right now,its like God is putting the words in their mouths now,hmm.
    She truly is evil.
    I really never thought that I would see this kind of evil in my life time in our country.

  11. I’m afraid Nancy has Alzheimers.
    In early onset, people resort too basic, unfiltered, true behavior, they ignore “mores” if they don’t believe them.
    This is empirical evidence, gathered from watching/tending 3 women I knew well, succumb to a horrifying disease.
    One was my mother.
    Ruth is dead, Nancy is off her rocker, the KKK is once again in control of the Democrats and AOC is the future of the Progs.

  12. And the bitch wants to disarm the American people. Things are coming to a head because she and her ilk are forcing it upon us and we’d all better be ready for the worst. Google “the Red Terror” and learn about what it is they are trying to bring about. My kids are grown and can take care of themselves, but I’m going to fight for the lives and souls of my grandkids against what Nancy Pelosi wants.

  13. I want her IMPEACHED as Speaker of the House. Seriously.

    The US Constitution specifies directly that every American has a Right to Life, Liberty, etc. She took an Oath, multiple times, to defend and obey that Constitution.

    How is this brazen dismissal of the Right to Life itself, not a reason to impeach and remove her from Office??

  14. My birthmother got pregnant with my oldest brother when she was still in high school. Married his father. They had another son, she was 19 with 2 kids. They divorced from the lack of maturity, stress, etc. She met my dad, got pregnant with me, told her best girlfriend who took care of the boys while my mom went into hiding for about 3 months until I was born.

    She was a tough woman who never sold her soul opting for the easy out, God rest her soul.

  15. Hey, Nan, here’s how it works:
    Get rid of Trump.
    Get rid of Pence.
    Make you President.
    You make Hillary VP.
    Get rid of you.
    Save you friends the trouble, just leave now.

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