If Ya Didn’t Think Northam Was a Dope Before… – IOTW Report

If Ya Didn’t Think Northam Was a Dope Before…

Th idiot calls an urgent staff meeting DURING THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!

I’m sure the staff was thrilled about that.

I imagine this meeting was a Super Bawl.




17 Comments on If Ya Didn’t Think Northam Was a Dope Before…

  1. I’d like to ask him two things:
    1). As a neurological pediatrician, or in any capacity, has he ever performed, participated in , or assisted at a late term abortion?
    2). As a neurological pediatrician, or in any capacity, has he ever created or contributed to the creation or development of protocols or procedures associated with or involved in late term abortions? This is to include the severing of fetal spinal chords and extremities.

    Sorry for those questions, but someone has to ask them. As it is, the media is covering up his ‘very late term’ and live birth abortion procedure with Shinola.

  2. imo the two photos of the “plaid pants” don’t fit the same
    the pants of the one wearing black face has a smooth front
    the pants of the one by the car is bunched

  3. 1. Showed up in blackface (twice).
    2. Allowed his own year book page to feature a Klan costume. (I guess he submitted all the photos except that one)
    3. He wasn’t aware of the photo because he never bought a copy.
    4. Apologizes as he is not sure which character is actually him. (tough choice)
    5. Calls a press conference contradicting himself.
    6. Wife advises him not to moonwalk at the press conference.
    7. Yanks angry staffs away from the Super Bowl to gauge their opinion of him (they were watching the SUPER BOWL! ya yutz!)

    Kept the black Lt. Governor off of fliers. –Man, this guy DOES have bad judgement. How blind are democrats to vote for such a flawed candidate.

  4. And he doesn’t know why they call him coon-man? He lyin’.

    I bet he’d know why if they called him sperm-butt! He should know and sure does know why they call him coon-man.

  5. They know Fairfax could never get elected Governor on his own, so they’re dragging Northam behind the Lib truck in chains out of the Governor’s Mansion.

    Bye Felicia.


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