Study Says Women’s Brains Age More Slowly Than Men’s – IOTW Report

Study Says Women’s Brains Age More Slowly Than Men’s

Live Science –

The researchers analyzed brain scans of more than 200 adults, specifically looking at a measure of the brain’s metabolism that’s known to change with age. They found that, based on these metabolic levels, women’s brains appeared about three years younger, on average, than men’s brains of the same chronological age. More

28 Comments on Study Says Women’s Brains Age More Slowly Than Men’s

  1. My wife read this to me a couple days ago. I told her thats because the average woman uses their brain half as much as a man.
    The swelling underneath my right eye is starting to go down.

  2. As you all know (ahem), this isn’t about “minds”, it’s about physical brain condition. Dendrites, axons, synapses, etc.

    As for the guys who say that this correlates because women don’t use their brains as much: Hmm. I’ll counter with the adage, “Use it or lose it.”

    Could be that women’s brains age more slowly because back in the cave days we had to be prepared to think our way out of starvation and becoming prey — because our mates died earlier from hunting accidents, combat, and hazardous inventions, like the wheel and fire.


  3. Actually, I read a different study many years ago that women mature faster than men.

    It’s hard to tell these days when most scientists can’t even tell if someone is male or female. I’ve pretty much stopped believing that any of them know what the h-ll they are talking about.

  4. Depends on what the definition of ‘aging’ is. Almost all the women I know over 60 are having that estrogen / calcium metabolism / bone loss / short-term memory bye-bye thing. And their cognitive skills aren’t that great either. In my family it’s like this: for women, body fine, brain shot; for men, brain fine, body shot, dead by low 80’s. Women: mid-to-upper 90’s but they don’t know their relatives any more.

  5. Since the average US life span
    for men is 77 and women 81 that’s
    not much of a surprise.
    FYI: The long term care insurers
    Never tell you that 75% of men who
    go into a nursing home die within
    3 or 4 months (while the women drag on existing for years). I’ll take
    the fast track, thank you.

  6. “‘researchers’ analyzed brain scans of more than 200 adults”.
    200 adults?
    You lazy morons deduced this from that?
    Get back to me when you hit like, I don’t know, 200 hundred million.
    Until than good luck meeting hopefully deceit ‘adults’ and try to get laid,,,


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