Rep Jordan: “Three Key Facts” From Ohr’s Testimony that Disprove Schiff Memo – IOTW Report

Rep Jordan: “Three Key Facts” From Ohr’s Testimony that Disprove Schiff Memo

Dan Bongino: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) of of the House Oversight Committee joined Fox New’s Maria Bartiromo on Sunday and discussed the “three key facts” from DOJ official Bruce Ohr’s testimony to Congress that “disprove” Rep. Adam Schiff’s memo.

“Adam Schiff did his memo one year ago,” he reminded Bartiromo.  “And remember his memo was to try to undermine what Devin Nunes and his memo had to say. In Schiff’s memo…he says the Republicans ‘mischaracterize’ the influence of Bruce Ohr on the whole process and talk about a misleading timeline relative to Mr. Ohr,” the Congressman said.

Jordan stated the “three key facts” Ohr shared in his August 28, 2018 Congressional deposition that contradict Schiff’s memo were:

  1. “He said first of all Fusion was connected to the Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS that put together the dossier.”
  2. “He said my wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS.”
  3. “And the person Fusion hired, Christopher Steele, has deep bias against the president. So much so that Christopher Steele told Bruce Ohr himself…that Christopher Steele was “desperate” to stop Trump.”

Schiff’s memo,  Jordan reminds us, specifically states that Bruce Ohr only communicated dossier-related information with the FBI after the 2016 election and after the October 21 FISA application was delivered to the FISA Court.  more here

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