Discarded Kleenexes – IOTW Report

Discarded Kleenexes

Rush pointed out that the left, particularly the white garbed women, illustrated who they were last night after Trump trapped them “with a simple pivot.”

They applauded, wildly, the paid family leave act so “women could stay home and bond with the infant during the formative 1st year.”


Then he pivoted right into Ralph Northam, the man who advocates for after-birth abortion.


They sat down, immediately. The stark contrast of the two positions the left simultaneously holds was sublimely put on display by the cagey president.

Rush then quoted Pamela Geller, who said, “they looked like a bunch of discarded Kleenexes.”


24 Comments on Discarded Kleenexes

  1. Have you ever seen a sorrier (looking) group of individuals than what was on the floor of the house last night? Just plain strange looking people! My senator, the famous Mr. Mitt, looked like a whipped puppy, and I love you Ted, but for cryping out loud….the beard has to go!

  2. That group just looked so miserable. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez really needs a clue.

    What’s funny too was Mark Levin referring to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, not as AOC, but as Aock.

  3. Wait. I was told that Trump was unprepared, didn’t do his homework. Perhaps he did do his homework after all. And maybe it was somebody else in the house who didn’t do their homework.


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