Did I Miss Christmas? – IOTW Report

Did I Miss Christmas?


On Dec. 12, 2018, Ryan Caine, 24, was rushed to a local emergency room with flu-like symptoms. He was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Ryan Caine’s illness quickly took a turn for the worse. His pneumonia turned septic, and he went into cardiac arrest. Ryan Caine slipped into a drug-induced coma that lasted six-and-a-half weeks. He was placed on life support, with his chance of survival meager.

On Jan. 24, Ryan Caine miraculously awakened from his coma.

He turned to his mom and asked, “Did I miss Christmas?”

“We said, ‘No, Christmas can happen anytime, and it is waiting for you at home,'” Janet Caine recalled.

With neighbors lining the street and cheering, Ryan Caine rode into his driveway in a truck accompanied by his family. The truck was covered in bright-pink, handwritten signs that read, “Thank All of You for Your Support and Prayers.”

Ryan Caine wore a black shirt that read, “Our Miracle Man Ryan.”

Like a kid on Christmas morning, Ryan Caine’s face lit up as he walked into his home. Inside, holiday garland covered the staircase banister and a trimmed Christmas tree stood in the living room with wrapped gifts underneath it.

“Merry Christmas, honey,” his mother said. “Look at all those presents.”

“Oh my gosh,” Ryan Caine said. “This is amazing!”

Ryan Caine, who is on the autism spectrum, is described by his family as having the exuberance of a 10-year-old.

He was overwhelmed with joy as he finally got to celebrate Christmas with his loved ones.


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