Dumb bint chair tosser leaves court – IOTW Report

Dumb bint chair tosser leaves court

This idiot seems, not a bit, remorseful. In fact, she seems to be enjoying the attention.

ht/ nm

22 Comments on Dumb bint chair tosser leaves court

  1. This is an outrage and will only escalate with others doing the same thing.

    On my Communion Day, the windshield of our car was hit with a brick from an overpass on the HWY. The glass cut my face and ear because I was sleeping on my mother’s lap. Thank God my eyes were closed. Other cars were also hit with bricks, and they were all swerving each other to avoid a collision. . At that high speed, the cops were amazed that no one was killed. It was really scary.

  2. Speaking of destructive female retards, Occasional-Cortex is now tweet-gloating that the $3 billion tax break which Amazon would have gotten can now be spent on other needs. Republicans are pouncing accordingly, but I guess she figured out how to get us to stop laughing at her green nude eel.

  3. Picture a mother with a stroller down below when the chair hit.

    I want a jury (I know, Canada) to find her guilty and then immediately hang her and the scumbag weasel lawyer who DARES say “It wasn’t her fault” from the same balcony the chair went over, by their necks, until they are dead.

    As time goes on I understand more and more why old people used to say, “The problem with this country is, we don’t hang enough people anymore.” Western society requires many, many examples of such worthless reprobates if we’re going to survive.

  4. Lapse of judgement? Peer pressure? Only a phucking lawyer could come up with that bullshit!
    Cate is right. Watch for copy cat morons
    That caitiff should do jail time, as should who ever took the video.
    Jail time and a heavy fine. But, she’ll probably be on “The View”
    next week. I’m sick, sick, sick of this shit!
    Cate, you were lucky. God Bless.


    Of all the curiosities out there in this world worth investigating, the “news” gives wall-to-wall coverage of some bimbo throwing a chair off a balcony.


  6. She loves the attention. Her reaction to all the people facing her when the elevator doors opened was near orgasmic for her.

    Sweetie, You are why your life isn’t going to work out so well. Enjoy the attention while you can.

    P.S. Man, I cringe when I see over-done lips.

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