Chicago Police hint Jussie Smollett’s story a hoax – IOTW Report

Chicago Police hint Jussie Smollett’s story a hoax

American Thinker: The Jussie Smollett story seems to be quietly dying, but it shouldn’t.  New updates by Chicago police are giving way to the claims that Smollett’s story has been a hoax all along.

Police had asked to see Smollett’s phone or his phone records immediately to verify his and his manager’s account that they were on the phone with each other at the time of the attack.  Smollett refused, saying he could not be without his phone for the length of time it would take for investigators to download his call log.  Two weeks afterwards, on Tuesday, Smollett finally offered police a PDF file of his call log, which was heavily redacted.  Police refused to use it as evidence, saying the computer file could easily have been edited and they need the information to come directly from the carrier instead.  Jussie Smollett has still not complied with their request.

The most compelling development is the video surveillance of Smollett’s steps that evening.  Police have gathered and raked through hundreds of hours of footage and narrowed down that the attack supposedly happened in a 60-second time frame that happened to be off all cameras.  No other persons are seen entering or leaving the same frames in that period of time.  The “persons of interest” police have asked the public to help identify are seen sitting on a bench across the street at the time the assault is claimed to have happened.

TMZ reported an interesting clue into the police thinking on Tuesday.  The Chicago P.D. has confirmed that it has video of Jussie Smollett with the rope, tied in a Windsor knot, around his neck in the lobby of the building that he eventually called police from.  Yet when a reporter asked if police also had video of Smollett with the rope around his neck outside that building, police said they could not confirm that, as it would “interfere with the investigation.”

If the rope was really around his neck before he entered the building, it wouldn’t interfere.  That was already assumed when Smollett declared that the rope was placed around his neck during the attack and he wore it until he reached his friend’s apartment.  Failure to confirm the actor’s own statement indicates that he could have placed the mass-produced clothesline around his own neck upon entering the building.  That could be the key to whether the entire crime was manufactured.

The police aren’t the only ones casting doubt on Jussie Smollett’s story.  Neighbors from the area in which he claims he was attacked have come forward, saying they have doubts about Smollett’s description of the events as well.  Agin Muhammed told reporters, “I’ve been in this neighborhood five years.  I don’t believe it, not around here[.] … Half the people are gay and the other half are black[.]”  MORE

36 Comments on Chicago Police hint Jussie Smollett’s story a hoax

  1. Bleach freezes at 18°. So someone was standing around holding bleach when it was -20°?

    Another thing. “Windsor Knot?” That’s a tie knot and likely the only knot aside from a shoe knot that flaming fag could make.

    A true MAGA dude would have half hitched his ass or double palomared him!

  2. the story is BS from the 1st x i heard it. lame, low IQ actor lookin for FREE sympathetic publicity because he more than likely got dumped by his man friend on that night and was in a state of hurt and this was his sick sad way of bringing attention to himself because he doesn’t know how to or want to be alone on 2/14/2019.

    you can file this under: ‘BAD ACTING, not worthy of any award’

    he did let the police have his phone because they would’ve found his google search for ‘How to tie a windsor knot with white clothes line’

  3. This was my first comment about this guy when this story first ran:

    “Normal, rational people get it all wrong when they try to figure out or use logic to argue against these hoaxes, when all one needs to know is this is a guy who probably needs to up his ratings and wants to leverage any media coverage into a renewed contract or a film deal.”

    Am I good or am I good?

  4. Old Racist White Woman — He probably knew his character was getting the axe, so he wanted some national publicity. When you pray to the Casting gods, it pays to be a little more specific, I think.

    File under: Be careful what you wish for, huh?

  5. Hey, just because the previous 587,623 “Trump Hate Crimes” were proven to be fabricated…
    So, for those keeping score:
    Actual Trump Hate Crimes – 0
    Fabricated Trump Hate Crimes shown to have been made up by leftists, yet reported with wall-to-wall coverage by Fake News Networks – 587,623

  6. Here it is!
    Chicago police confirmed Thursday that detectives are talking to two persons of interest in connection with the alleged attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

    Multiple sources have told ABC7 Eyewitness News that police are investigating whether Smollett and the two men staged the attack allegedly because Smollett was being written off of “Empire.”

    A source familiar with the investigation told the ABC7 I-Team that Smollett failed to appear for an interview with detectives earlier Thursday, but has since spoken with police.

    Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson contacted ABC7 to say they are continuing to treat Smollett as a victim and the investigation remains ongoing.

    Smollett released a statement Thursday evening, saying, “Today Jussie did answer routine followup questions for Chicago Police Department and continues to cooperate.”

  7. I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out that he hatched the whole thing on the fly after having a few and while he was talking to his manager on the phone. He was probably was crying the whole time as they talked about his impending demise on “Empire”, and they came up with this bright idea to take advantage of 1) time of night, 2) no one around to witness anything.

  8. Love it that now 15% of the US population is presented as being 100% Black. Thank you MSM! Every F’ show has interracial BS being stuffed down our throats. Yet the true reality shows, indicate it’s not so.


    They threatened the preacher in Florida with a HOST of police costs if he burned a Koran on his own property, but wasting police time and resources on this will quietly go down the memory hole.

    Watch and see.

  10. The fact that the left/progs aren’t screaming coverup at the top of their lungs and the MSM haven’t set their “crack” reporters on the incompetence of the police is enough to tell us all that it was fake from the get go. Fox is backing this lying ass f*ck for no other reason then because he’s on a successful show.

  11. Familiar with “Empire”. Hold the pitchforks, it’s an over the top soap opera. Kind of like those.

    The producer is gay. The crew and stars are hyper pro LGBTQ ETC. Doubt Smollett is the brother leaving the show (there’s four) – more than likely it is the older brother who is in deep with prison gangs (long story. Pardon puns). Then, again Smollett is now off the show after this fiasco.
    This sounds more like a publicity stunt gone completely sideways. Typical of a deviants in a lifestyle that has no limits to insanity.

    Of course, the media and Chicago PD are compliant. But leftist tools like Smollett and his enablers with suffer the wrath of reality and pressure from the public who want the truth.

    BTW, liars never count on all the moving parts that destroy the lie – witnesses, accessories, technology help lies fall apart.


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