US Ambassador Grenell blasts Germany for celebrating 40th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution – IOTW Report

US Ambassador Grenell blasts Germany for celebrating 40th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution

Geller Report: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Hitler shared the Muslim world’s aspirations and co-conspired with their leader. Hitler and the Mufti (above). Merkel and the Mullahs.

US Ambassador Grenell blasts Germany for celebrating Iranian Islamic Revolution anniversary
Fox News

Germany’s foreign ministry has been slammed by the U.S. ambassador after it emerged diplomats in Berlin celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, a regime which seeks the destruction of the United States and Israel.

Niels Annen, a minister of state in Germany’s foreign ministry, and an official from the Iran desk at the ministry attended the pro-mullah regime event at the Iranian embassy in Berlin earlier this week, according to Bild newspaper.

“No one should confuse the desire to have dialogue with a celebration marking 40 years of brutality. This sends a troubling mixed message,” Richard Grenell, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, told Fox News.  more here

5 Comments on US Ambassador Grenell blasts Germany for celebrating 40th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution

  1. The world is still run by those with ill intentions who couldn’t care less about the general populations they supposedly love. Behind closed doors it’s “screw them, give me my every wish.” President Trump is the first in a long time to give a damn about real people.


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