Smollett’s “Empire” Role Collapsing – IOTW Report

Smollett’s “Empire” Role Collapsing


Production sources tell TMZ … Jussie was supposed to have 9 scenes and a big musical number in the second to the last episode — which is being shot now — but 5 of his scenes have been cut, and his musical number has been 86’d. More

[Snip: Sounds like a contest to me. How will the “Empire” producers write Jussie out of the show]

Sollett’s character, Jamal [I ain’t] Lyon, is described thusly on Wikipedia

The middle son of the Lyon family, he is a talented gay singer-songwriter who despises the corporate aspect of the music industry. Jamal is estranged from his father, who considers him the black sheep of the family.[10] Jamal is Cookie’s favorite and has a strong relationship with his brother Hakeem. Lucious appoints Jamal as his successor at the end of the first season, and later as interim CEO when Lucious is arrested. Jamal later relinquishes control of Empire back to Lucious. After being accidentally shot by Freda Gatz in Season 2, Jamal begins to present symptoms of PTSD and a reliance on painkillers. His addiction ultimately leads to a visit to rehab.

28 Comments on Smollett’s “Empire” Role Collapsing

  1. Have never watched the show, but from the promos, etc. it looks like something that we don’t need on tv. Narcissism, rudeness, violence, loudmouthness… all the traits that african-americans need much LESS of, not a show condoning/promoting that behavior.

    Just like America doesn’t need 6hrs/day of Jerry Springer Show programming daily, for the last 25 years. There’s more proof of the Fake News/ Disney Corp/ Alphabet network hatred for normal/healthy(mental) Americans.

    Praying to God this is a turning point where the decades of absurd decadence gets reversed. Isn’t anyone else BORED by all the defiant flamboyance?!

    “get your face tattoos out of my face”

  2. …before you rejoice TOO much, bear in mind that they’re cutting him out, and they LIKE him.

    And they’re a pretty vengeful bunch.

    Which means, if you remember the John Wayne thread earlier, that they can use the Smollet redaction as an excuse to remove John Wayne’s ENTIRE CAREER because he said some politically incorrect things 40 years ago, back when they were NOT politically incorrect…

  3. Just write an OD for the Mullet.

    Then throw some flour on him and bring him back as a fag ghost – showing up in truck-stop shithouses, for instance, or in dream sequences – that’s pretty cliche.
    (Haven’t seen the show but it sounds predictable)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Unintended consequences of being a leftist lunatic. Smollett pissed in the wind and now he’s losing the very thing he wanted the most. Somebody better put the psycho on suicide watch.

  5. They have to be very careful how they write this asshole out of the series. If they do a martyr exit they’ll get hammered for glorifying a fraud who could have triggered a race riot but if they handle him like the fraud he is the SJW’s will have at him. Best the star of the show receives a phone call with the tragic news of his sons death from a opioid overdose. No more scenes for him period.

  6. Jamal Lyon will get stopped by a couple of white police officers after a concert in Selma. The racist officers will force him to march across the famous bridge into traffic where he is struck and killed by a bus carrying BLM protesters back from a rally. There’ll be a huge funeral with what will look like new Black Panther militants swearing vengeance for the gay singers murder. A race riot will break out in his honor and a truck driver wearing a red hat wearing a MWAGA (Make White America Great Again) will get pulled from his vehicle and beaten with a cinder block.

    The central characters will go on TV and tell the viewing audience that there’s only one way to end the murder and rioting. Not reconcile and the grievance mongering, but the election of who ever the democrats decide on for 2020.

    You can expect Colin Kaepernick to make a cameo appearance along with Rev Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and actor who will have striking resemblance to a very young rev Jess Jackson.

    The entire season will be unwatchable, but it will sweep the Emmys for being so socially relevant.

  7. Supernightshade,
    Now just you wait a minute there you what ever you are (the John Wayne thread earlier), no way the Duke can be erased by this unknown little Smollet. The Duke would not even waste our time taking this worthless POS out back like a rented mule and doing him until he pukes.

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