Simon, Garfunkel and Williams – IOTW Report

Simon, Garfunkel and Williams

24 Comments on Simon, Garfunkel and Williams

  1. Back in the sixties and seventies when a long list of very talented people were producing incredible music . Gifted musicians seemed to pour out hit after hit of music that stood through time.
    Today it’s a wasteland of garbage.

  2. Very well done, thank you. There was a time back in the 60’s and early 70’s when I looked forward to every new Simon & Garfunkle album coming out. My best friend and I played them to death every Saturday night on his parents stereo when they went square dancing.

  3. This song was huge in my senior yr. Never saw this version, and just great. Lyrics that can be understood and no filthy language, an actual tune that can be whistled (my personal gauge whether or not it qualifies as music), and no insipid “beat”.


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